Thursday, October 08, 2009

Tapping today....

Tap, tap tapping.... to be precise.

Not only on my key pad... though it taps a quietly rhythmic tune.... tap, tap, tap-tap-tap

No, and I'm not a "so you think you can dance" kind of tap-dancing gal either... I just love music, and I've been skipping my "Song of the week!" a lot lately.

So... just for a change.... Prior to trying to regain a routine....  I thought I'd share with you a few songs I love to dance too.  I might even let you in on what kind of dance I do, or even share a "gold" Joce making herself look silly moment... read on to find out!

Tap one: No, not the hot-water tap, though music in the shower is good...  First it needs a beat.  Drums, bass guitar, thumping keys... check?

Tap two: Chords... or is it cords??  The intro... those telling couple of chords or notes that tell you to get off ur butt (or put aside that job)... the next few moments are dedicated to...

Tap three: Tapping!  Do you sit and tap you foot?  Do you slap your knee?  Do you click your fingers, or even clap your hands?  You do!  That's tapping part one....

Tap four:  Another use for joints... Neck? (No, I'm not a headbanger generally)....  Shoulders, elbows or wrists? (Well if your clapping or clicking you're in already)... mmm What about your back, hips, knees, ankles?  Many would say this is where the music ends and the dancing begins..?!  Tee, hee... I "won" an award as a primary schooler for my "groovy hips"!!

Tap five: hopefully no one is watching by this point... is there a partner to hand?  A towel, broom, mop, vacuum hose... or even a mirror... The chorus, or the riff is especially important...

And you bow... or give yourself a round of applause... and and encore?  Gotta love the CD player.  Though like the old LPs it can skip a little is you get too enthusiastic!!

What do you like tap, tap, tapping to??  Or more appropriately... what CAN'T you help tap, tap, tapping along to.  The best thing about doing it alone... no one laughs at your daggy moves!

Here's a few songs I enjoy tapping to:

  • OK Go's - Oh, lately it's so quiet...
  • Spearhead's - Stay Human (All the freaky people make the beauty of the world)
  • The Cat Empire's - The Rhythm
  • The Sleepy Jackson's - Good Dancers 

Too much thinking!  The CD player is prepped and the volume is... loud enough!  So it's tap, tap, tap-tap-tap till next time. Tshuss  (Sleepy Jackson)  (Spearhead)

There's a great clip of The Cat Empire and OK Go's iconic routine of tredmills you can search and view at youtube as well... have fun... dance like no one is watching!!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Five Words... and a few more

One of my favourite bloggers did this... so I asked them to send me five words too:

  1. Fragrance - Breathe in - sun ripened peaches, fresh air dried laundry (especially wool wash), and my favourite frangrance of all: Australian Rain (see water) - Breathe out.
  2. Compassion - To wear my heart on my sleeve, and to never forget why I am here or where I am either.  To remember how blessed I am and how that blessing can be shared.
  3. Home - I am a South-eastern Australian, I was born here, I live here now, I feel like I belong here (most days).  However, Home IS where my Heart longs to be... and so I won't get home for a good while yet I hope.  I have a home, but I am also homeless, I am on a journey destination known... route less clear!
  4. Goals - In Australian Rules Football = AFL = Footy! - There are four goalposts - 2 short ones on the outside and 2 long ones inside (in a straight line).  "Kick it straight" = 6 points (a goal) "anything that is outside including any post" = 1 point (a behind, don't ask!).  My goals are much like Aussie Rules Footy: If they're aimed straight they produce blessing, any other goals less so... oh and if you kick it wide - it's "out on the full" and possession goes to the opposing side.  I could say so, so much more about goals, with more analogies of various ball games... Aim for the stars, if you fall flat the view is still interesting?!?!  Goalsetting God's way is fraught with difficulty.
  5. Water - my country is among the driest on earth and has been so for a long, long time... only now are we realising what a precious resource water is.  Humans are 75% or so water.  Melbourne (city) water tastes the best in the world - really, it does.  Grass goes from vivid green & flowering, though yellowing to brown and patchy, through to dead and dusty.  Humans and other living things complete this cycle much, much more quickly and fatally.  And yet, one of my old, old (97) patients suffered hyponatremia last summer, she recovered and was sent back to her own home to live independently!  Lastly, I love the taste of water, the smell of expectant and recently fallen rain (it has something to do with the dryness of Australian air, I'm told, as well as Australian plants, I'm sure.  It's always my top-missed fragrance when I am O/S)  The feel of cold water running down from lips to stomach (on a hot day) and also the warmth of a hot beverage warming from lips to gut.  I am so, so fortunate to have grown up in a place where water is what it is (and is cared for).  Now it is also treasured and that is good too.

I see a picture (sorry I can't find one, so you'll have to go with me here.....)

It's a beautiful Melbourne (note 1 Melbourne is situated at the top of a natural bay of sea water and fed by springs and a river from the hills that surround it, many, many years ago it would have looked a lot more like a wetland, than it does today!) It is a beautiful "Melbourne" day and I'm here beside the Yarra River (note 2 It's well known for flowing slowly with a colour closer to brown/grey than blue or green) alongside the free gas BBQs.  All my family is here with me (Roger, Gaynor, Tim, Amy, Glenda, Tom + any others too).  We're having a BBQ/picnic... I have so, so many good memories attached to this place, I could stay here for ages (note 3 the Yarra and parklands beside it host a wide variety of interesting things to see and do).... but now it's your turn.  Read the instructions and then give it a go.  I'd like to hear about what you "see"....

Find a comfortable place to sit.  Minimise distractions, like music, telephones, TVs, etc.  Take a deep breath in and breath out slowly.  Close your eyes.  Breath in - Picture green grass and moving water - breath out.  Breath in - what do you see? - Breath out (What do you hear, smell, etc repeat as required and until you have a vivid picture).  Breath in - are you alone or with others? - out, in - if yes, who? (if no, what's there with you?) - out, in - what are you doing? - out, in - stay here for a little while, take it in, enjoy it - all the while breathing in and out slowly with your eyes closed.  Now it's time to pack up:  Keep breathing slowly but as you feel comfortable open your eyes and return to your chair in the room you started. (Insert smile)

That cycle should take a minimum of two minutes and a maximum of 10.  Feel free to return here any time you need to.  I'd also like to hear if it worked, and what you saw, but only as you're comfortable......

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hope... and piece... and prayers... please!!!!

I'm sorry I've not been blogging much lately...

  1. Too busy doing "people" in real life!!!
  2. Moping
  3. Thing I want to write about but can't yet
  4. Moping
  5. Too busy & tired to think straight...

That's about enough excuses.... I'm a little grief-stricken at the moment... so my head & emotions have got me in a spin...

STILL (and here's that peace I been longing for....)

It's good to remember the Hope we have.  It's good to remember our Faithful Father... It's good to be thankful... and I am, for so, so much...


no, Still.... 

I'm trying not to yes, but... It's a recipe for an unquiet mind, restless soul and lack of peace

I want the peace that passes understanding....

not a little piece of the peace ;)

Michael Card wrote a beautiful song about Hope too... it's my song for today... I'll get back to the song of the week soon.

Please pray for us all (Ridleys)... we need prayers too.

I'm so thankful to my Faithful God & more especially thankful for the faithful saints he's given us all.  Prayer is such a wonderful, wonderful thing...

isn't it?

Friday, August 14, 2009

It's not Wednesday but... I still sing!

Sorry for not posting sooner folks... I've been a little out of sorts this week (All that goes up, must come down.... sort of thing)  Added to that, the fact that I haven't had all that much time to spend online.  

It was my wonderful Mum's birthday on Monday, and the first we've been able to celebrate in her presence for three years!  It actually made it almost more difficult... no dispatching "interflora" this year... I had to choose a card.  I chose the one that made me smile the widest.  I think it went down well enough.  I was the only child who managed to give Mum a wrapped present too; so I think that earn't at least one brownie point!!  The card... and my "two bobs" about Mum in today's post will just be "I love you!"  Hopefully some new photos to come in the not too distant future....  Here's an "old" one:

Now, back to "song of the week"... The other reason I haven't been spending time online this week is because we "opened" up the storage that Mum & Dad (and then me) put away in 2006.  It was actually delivered to my sister's house on Mum's birthday... so I guess that could also be counted as a present??  I was a little disappointed to discover that I didn't put any boxes into storage... but then again, if I haven't needed it for the last 3 years... I can continue living without it, can't I?  (Most times my head says, rather resignedly I admit, yes - I can!  The heart is catching up....)

And so to the song I sang most heartily as we unpacked... (we were at my sister's place and she has an ipod deck... and mutiple ipod's as Mum & Dad each have one)  Mum requested The Seeker's (a huge Aussie band from the 60s) and I followed that up by requesting Michael Card's album Poiema.  I love most of the tracks on this album, it has a real celtic feel to it with the music as well.  Still, in thinking about the stuff we don't need... the following song spoke to me most clearly

"Things We Leave Behind"

There sits Simon, so foolishly wise
proudly he's tending his nets
Then Jesus calls, the boats drift away
and all that he owns he forgets
But more than the nets he abandoned that day,
he found that his pride was soon drifting away, and
It's hard to imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind

Matthew was mindful of taking the tax,
and pressing the people to pay
Hearing the call, he responded in faith
and followed the Light and The Way
Leaving the people so puzzled he found,
the greed in his heart was no longer around and
It's hard to imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind

Every heart needs to be set free,
from posessions that hold it so tight
'Cause freedom's not found in the things that we own,
It's the power to do what is right
With Jesus, our only posession,
then giving becomes our delight, and
We can't imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind

We show a love for the world in our lives
by worshipping goods we posess
Jesus said "lay all your treasures aside, and
love God above all the rest
'Cause when we say 'no' to the things of the world
we open our hearts to the love of the Lord and
its hard to imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind 

Oh, and it's hard to imagine the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind

(If you want to hear this song... look it up on YouTube... there's a live version of Michael doing it for his "Scribbling in the Sand" project a few years back... enjoy!)

And just imagine the freedom you'd find... from the the things you leave behind...?

P.S. I'm off on family holidays from the 14th to the 31st... so I'm not sure if I'll get to post much in that time... if I don't, rest assured I'll make it up to you all after the 1st!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

....on Job... or why "ignorance is bliss"

I'm not asleep... I'm watching the "Hottest 100 of all time 2009 top 50 video clips" on RAGE... keeping an eye on the Cricket, doing housework, chatting to friends on skype, texting, calling, leaving messages... 

all I really need is to talk to someone... so I've been avoiding talking to the only one who really hears all day!


So that gets me to thinking about Job, and suffering... again.  I do not like bad news, and along with much good stuff of late... there's definately been some bad stuff.  It's not that I can't get through it.. I even chose not to strangle the woman who (upon giving me bad news) remarked... "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" (If I could only tell you what HASN'T KILLED ME in the last 12 years, or so....) NOT HELPFUL, but thank you. :P

I want to be a child... angry, wingeing, crying, worrying, moping, wishing, dreaming, playing...

As an adult I know that most of the first things are conterproductive... but do I care? Not in the slightest.  I feel pain, and God is strong enough to handle this initial response of mine.  It's not new, we've been here before and I'm sure we'll come right back here again, and again...

Until I really learn the truth of 1 Peter 5:7 

I only know this verse because we sing it regularly in church!

Cast your burdens upon Jesus for he cares for you.

Still... when you think about it... Ignorance is bliss.... if I didn't know what I do... it wouldn't hurt nearly as much as it will!!!  And I come full circle again.... must be time for bed.

Please pray for my Dad, Mum, me and my family.  I want us to treasure these few weeks together for all they're worth... not worrying about what we cannot change... preparing ourselves well for what may come... but leaving the rest to our Father.  He's never failed me yet! (after all) <><

Saturday, August 08, 2009

things don't always go to plan...

Why is it that when something is so eagerly anticipated, it doesn't quite meet your expectations?

Of course... in the world of Aussie Rules football, that shouldn't come as a surprise... but it was my first visit to see Geelong playing this week (and my parent's first in over 3 years!)... plus we hadn't lost to Carlton since 2004... well this week proved the exception!  Ah well, it was still great to be at the footy with my family, and  it was the first time I'd ever been into the "members' area" of the hallowed Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)... but still, would have been better if the boys had played a decent match!

I also have a little apology... only three week's in and I've missed the song of the week...! Not to worry I've been sitting on this one for a few weeks, but decided to spread out the Christian and more secular music.  

A very good friend of mine allowed me to borrow a CD (in exchange for the tape that had been in high rotation in my car!).  It's an album by a little band called Paul Coleman Trio.  Many of the tracks spoke to me when I first heard the CD back in the early 2000s... so naturally I wanted to become reaquainted with them.  I'm fairly certain I've referred to this track in previous posts, and its just one of several good tunes on the album, but this is the one I always find myself coming back to... It's called "The Sun, the Stars, & the Moon"

Do you believe it’s true
It all depends on you?
If you were to fall down
We wouldn’t know what to do?

I’m a lonely soul
I’m a lonely soul
When I think I’m alone

I want to be the moon
‘Cause it reflects the sun
Don’t want to be the star
That shines on everyone
I want to be with you
‘Cause you’re the only one
Who heals my lonely soul

Have you ever got
Everything you want?
Well did you fake a grin
And feel you lost when you win?

I’m a lonely soul
I’m a lonely soul
When I think I’m alone

I want to be the moon
‘Cause it reflects the sun
Don’t want to be the star
That shines on everyone
I want to be with you
‘Cause you’re the only one
Who heals my lonely soul (repeat)

That bridge often returns to me on days when I'm feeling "lonely", and I remind myself that its probably my own fault that the phone hasn't rung... or I haven't received an e-mail....  I also have to remember that the ONLY one who has been, and will be available 24-7, anywhere, anytime, anyhow... is Jesus.  I've been blessed on many different occassions with a verse and/or story from the bible to remind and reassure, often to challenge my wrong thinking too!  More than once I've received a feeling, or a vision of my LORD with me... be that the Spirit, God my Father, or even Jesus.  Not quite as tangible as a hug, but the depth of the peace I've felt should be reminder enough that I only have to reach out to Him and he is there.

Ah.... but I'm a weak, and self-centered, creature... I long to touch, and feel the comfort that human contact brings.  It's so easy when meaningful human contact isn't around to feel that I'm alone, but that's a lie, and this song helps me to remember that.

SO.... even when things don't always go to plan... I remind myself that the week has sure ended well... 

  • Special times with my family apleanty
  • Yummy strawberries from Queensland that take me back to the Sunshine Coast
  • Walking into a house that smells of my Mum's baking!
  • Enjoying a live footy match (even when your team doesn't win)
  • Finding discount new shoes to replace my really, really worn-out ones
  • the fact that I'm not going to be woken up by piano lessons in the morning!

.... still, regardless of the last point, it is past my bed time... catch up again soon <><

P.S... please excuse excessive exclamations! :P

Monday, August 03, 2009

Monday's musing...

I've had such a wonderful weekend...  but unfortunately that makes it difficult for me to settle down and rest on a Sunday night... in order to start the new week well.  I have a long history of Monday-itis!  It's not so bad at the moment as I don't have to go to work or school currently, so I can ease into my week rather than facing it head on... but I know this won't last!

Still it means that I have time this Monday to muse a little before getting on with my to-do list, so here we are :)

Why was my weekend wonderful?

The above picture was taken at my older brother's engagement party back in late 2004... and the only photo I could find of the seven of us in my collection!  This weekend we were all together again in Melbourne.  The first time since February 2006!

My sister and I picked Mum & Dad up from the airport on Saturday night... now I remember why I don't like airport greetings & farewells (the waiting and parking fees!), but they arrived safe and tired, but very, very happy... just as you'd expect.

The weekend continued with lots of smiles, hugs, a few tears, stories, good food, tours (of my sister's house... my new place tomorrow, and my brother's on Thursday night), walking, going to church... ah... so good to have all my family around me again!  I was even told off (by my little sister, not my parents), but I don't mind ;)

So, as usual my musing began with thankfulness.  Actually, only my bad days are absent of thankfulness... I would posit that's why they're bad!

But that's not why I'm posting today....

Before I went to sleep I started writing a short story, and when I woke up I wrote down a series of questions... mostly beginning with how and why (the two most interesting ones in my opinion).  Both the story and the questions could reasonably be bundled under one theme... and isn't God amazing?  My bible reading from Hebrews this morning also touched near the edge of the subject.

I've been thinking a lot... that's not unusual for me, but my thinking and dreaming has taken on an exciting edge for me this year.  You see... three years ago I lost hope for a while.  I don't know if you've ever had the experience of losing hope, but it is truly devastating.  Especially for a child such as myself who grew up knowing and loving God and the hope he gives us.  Because during this time I didn't lose faith, or love... just hope.

Now if you're familiar with Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, you will be familiar, as I am that three remain... faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.

So losing one's hope I would suggest is not as devastating as losing love... but any of the chord of three is sure to make life difficult.  There is also much documented about hope.. what it is, how you maintain it against all odds, how it can be taken away, why you can't lose it... etc, etc... I googled "lose hope" illuminating!  Perhaps I also didn't lose hope completely... though I would strongly suggest I came dangerously close... and the reason I'm writing about this now is because this year I've experienced the opposite.  Regaining my hope.  I guess I'm speaking of hope not just in my LORD, but the ability to see a situation as better than it actually is... or has the potential to be.  We all need to be able to remember the sunshine when it's gloomy... or we cannot stand the gloom.  Just as we know the sun will rise after a long, dark night.  

A storm briefly ripped through my suburb last night.  I remembered that my quilt cover is still on the washing line!  But I love listening to and watching storms when you're tucked safe inside your warm, safe home.... (the news just told me my suburb wasn't the worst hit!)

The picture to the right shows a little what it looked like... of course it was dark outside so I couldn't see all that much... but I could see the trees shaking and twisting and see and hear the rain whipping windows and ground... I could also smell it... bliss! 

Anyway... I've gone a little off topic again... I guess I just wanted to encourage us all... that these seasons come and go (I'm finishing off my 20s with gladness) but three remain... Faith, Hope and Love.  I'm so thankful and excited to have regained my full ability to hope.... stay tuned for what that will result in... (only God knows precisely at present!) :D

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Song(s) of the week #2

I'm so excited, it's Wednesday and I get to tell you about my favourite music... I just couldn't pick only one song this week... so I've chosen my favourite (non-Christian) songs... that I'm also hatching a plan for...

As I mentioned last week I love to sing, and I harbour a not-so-secret ambition to earn money for my singing ability.  I do not want to be famous, but I'd like to be respected for my craft...

Well, here goes... listen & look out for my debut album one day, it might go something like this:

  1. Breath in Now (George)
  2. Morning Theft (Jeff Buckley)
  3. Walk On (U2)
  4. Dancing Lessons (Sinead O'Connor)
  5. Lovefool (I scored "Superstar" on SingStar for that one!) (The Cardigans)
  6. Heal Me (Lior)
  7. Now We're Getting Somewhere (Crowded House)
  8. Rhythm & Blues Alibi (Gomez)
  9. Heartbeat & Sails (Augie March)
  10. Planet Earth (Eskimo Joe)
  11. Sometimes (Michael Franti)
  12. You Make it Easy (Air)
  13. You Made me the Thief of Your Heart (Sinead O'Connor sings it, but I don't think she wrote it)
  14. No More (not sure of the artist for this one either...)

I'll give you the lyrics for Breath in Now for a start....

I see love and beauty all around
I also see the sadness that’s embedded in your frown
I wonder why you choose not to talk to those who surround
I sense of fear of lifting heavy feet higher than you want to 
I just want to believe you’re true

You stand there but you do not cast a shadow
You walk away with every word you choose not to say
I suppose I’m moving on paint some new colour for each day
I don’t like to see dreams put on the shelf to deal with on that one day
I just want to be happy for you

  Because I only have one second this minute today
  I can’t press rewind and turn it back and call it now
  And so this moment I just have to sing out loud
  And say I love, I like and breath in now
  And say I love I live and breath in now

I move on holding on to what I’ve learned
It’s time to let go of the notion that the whole worlds against me
Break free of shackles that formed young
Time free and now, and now I know 
It’s not all up to me 
I can count on another
So move on lighter and be free

‘Cause I only have one second this minute today
  I can’t press rewind and turn it back and call it now
  And so this moment I just have to sing out loud
  And say I love, I like and breath in now
  And say I love I live and breath in
I believe in for today
I just want to know that you’re ok
‘Cause I believe in breathing just for today
I just want to know that you’re ok

Because I only have one second this minute today
  I can’t press rewind and turn it back and call it now
  And so this moment I just have to sing out loud
  And say I love, I like and breath in now
And say I love, I like and breath in now
And say I love, I live and breath in now

Requsests for mix-tapes (CDs these days) acceptable, but you'll have to manage with the originals for now... stay tuned for my versions!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

a thought for Tuesday

Seeing that I have a bit of extra time on my hands, and find myself at somewhat of another crossroad (yet again!)  I've been doing lots of thinking....

As I was thinking about sleeping, and completing my bible reading for the day, I found myself once again turning over thoughts about obediance and trust (in God).

Many of you will know about my tendency to be a bit of a worrier... I've been challenged lately, yet again, that our task as Christ followers is not to worry, but to trust in God.  Easier said than done is all I say about that for now! (Old habits die hard)

More interestingly at the time I was reflecting on obedience.  Some members of my family were formerly living in a cult, for which the school motto was "To hear is to obey".  Now this phrase always gave me the "heebies" for want of a better word - i.e. it made me shiver, feel a little fear, etc.  Last night I was reflecting on why this is... (as it still gives me the heebies!)

  1. Is it because of the community and what it represents to me?
  2. Is it because of my personality (and dislike of authoritarianism)?

I'll expand a little on both these things... but more on the second today, as I want to speak to my relations before I talk in depth about the community.

To start with 1 though... "To hear is to obey".  Like all reverent disciples, my family firmly believed in the outworking truth of this statement while they were members of the community.  We received school calendars with the school emblem, and the statement, every Christmas.  In any of the fairly rare correspondence or interactions I exchanged with my family during that time the overbearing nature of this statement was front and centre and I resented it.  Now I wonder how they, being free from the community, now think about the phrase, and more widely what they think about obedience....  I shall endeavour to sensitively ask them soon...

On 2, I admit it... I'm anti-authoritarian, and quite proud of it!  That doesn't mean I have no respect for authority, but rather that I dislike the style of leadership that is authoritarian in nature.  So, when I am given an order (especially by someone who I don't think qualifies to give me orders) I am likely to respond negatively.  This made for much trouble and altercations as a young kid.  My mum, and other members of my family, will quite happily tell you of my "famous" showdowns as a kid.  However, my parents were on the whole gentle but firm discipliners, and we grew to understand one another.... ;)  Still, I struggle at times with this... perhaps it's just 'cause I'm a little of the contrary kind of girl too... You tell me to do it one way, so I'll try it the other... Tell me not to, so I will... that kind of thing.  As I've grown up I'm believe I'm better at keeping this in check... especially so as to be more "socially appropriate", and of course to get along in work, and other places with less conflict!  I don't tend to pick a fight just for the sake of it, for instance, though I will if I'm feeling especially cheeky.  On the one hand all this makes me smile at the funny memories it brings to mind...  but on the other hand I fully recognise that it is precisely this part of my nature that has made my own life difficult... especially as relating to my relationship with God.

I long to be a good disciple of Jesus... but I'm not!  Though that doesn't come as a surprise, does it?  I want to pray that prayer... (from St Richard, according to Google!)


May I know you more clearly;
Love you more dearly;
And follow you more nearly

Amen <><

PS... and I'm fairly sure that the answer to the "heebies" question... is a bit of both!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Lost to the music

What blessings I have enjoyed of late (a wonderful consolation to the difficulties I've also faced)!

Last month, for my birthday I was given a slightly different present from my sister.  We have enjoyed going to live shows together (especially as she doesn't get out much, being the married woman!)  Anyway, she gave me a choice... I could

  1. Go and see "Crazy for You" by The Production Company 
  2. Go and see "The National Boys Choir" concert at The Melbourne Recital Centre, or
  3. Ask for a CD or DVD of my choosing

Well, it was immediately a choice between 1 and 2.  CDs and DVDs are great, but there's nothing quite like an "experience".  The choice was finally decided by two factors; one, I really wanted to see the "new" Melbourne Recital Centre, and the program for the concert included a mix of tradtional works and the premier of a new Australia opera!

So on Saturday night Glenda and I duly went off the the Melbourne Recital Centre.  One of the choristers is the son of one of her school collegues... and would you believe that she was seated next to that same chorister's Grandma!!  Coincidences galore.  Then at interval, we saw another common friend of ours, who received her ticket complimentary of the man who wrote the opera!

Well, it was fantastic!  The whole program was enjoyable from start to finish.  We were seated in the front row (BB), so at times our view was just slightly obscured, but it didn't matter.  The acoustics in the new Elisabeth Murdoch auditorium were excelent.  You could see some nerves and twitches at times, but considering that none of the boys would be over 13 years old (they're kicked out of the choir as soon as their voices break)!  It was just marvellous.  

The premier was Melbourne's only chance to see the opera at this stage, so we were counting our lucky stars.

I have attempted to add a couple of links... one from the Eastern Leader with a story about the opera, ( and the other from the ABC (a transcript of an interview with two of the original choristers)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

(Inaugural) Song of the Week

I’m going to try and post my “song of the day” once a week… so here for you is my first song of the week.

Those of you who “know” me would know how much I love music and especially singing. For my first song (and one I’ve sung loudly several times this evening) I’m going back to a well-known gospel tune that I first leant to love as a member of a Christian Youth Choir in Adelaide… takes me back almost 10 years now… 

Anyway, here tis….

He Never Failed Me Yet!

I will sing of God’s mercy
Every day, every hour he gives me power
I will sing and give thanks to thee
For all the dangers, toils and snares that he has brought me out
He is my God, and I’ll serve him
(No matter what the test) solo
Trust and never doubt
Jesus will surely bring you out
He never failed me yet!
Repeat Chorus

Verse 1 solo
I know God is able
To deliver in times of storm
And I know that he’ll keep me
Safe from all earthly harm!
One day when my weary soul is at rest
I’m going home to be forever blessed!

together Trust and never doubt, Jesus will surely bring you out
He never failed me yet!


Verse 2 solo
Didn’t my God deliver Moses from King Pharaoh?
And didn’t he cool the fiery furnace
for Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednigo?
When I think of what my God can do
He delivered Daniel; I know he will deliver you!

together Trust and never doubt, Jesus will surely bring you out
He never failed me yet!

Chorus (then)

Bridge to end

He never failed me; he never failed me yet (builds x4)

Trust and never doubt, Jesus will surely bring you out (rit)


(add whoops, cheers, claps, stamps, whatever takes your fancy... just make it a joyful song of encouragement and praise!)

You can You-tube an example, but my favourite version is currently on high rotation in my car... (it's a cassette recording!)

Tschuss till next time! <><

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Moving part 2

I'm no longer homeless!

Though still in between homes.... I had a lovely week last week house and dog sitting for my sister and her husband. They had a week's holiday in Perth (and I hardly had time to be jealous!!)

Peach (the dog) was great at keeping me company too, and I walked, with her, 5 out of 7 days.... Not too bad, especially as the weather was not too conducive to strolling most of last week.

Today, however the sun is shining brightly (and it looks much warmer outside than it actually is!) Ah, Melbourne in winter... when I don't have to get up and go to work early in the morning, I really like it ;)

This week, I'm staying with good friends, and hope to complete the move to my new place by this time next week....

No, moving is not fun... but soon I will be installed at my new address...

  • In one of the two suburbs I was praying for
  • To live with a lovely (piano playing) christian lady
  • And with many thanks to the people that have helped me through all this
  • I "should" be adequately settled prior to my parentals arriving back in Oz
God is so good, and I have no more moments to waste on this beautiful sunny day....
By for now, I'm thinking my next post will be from my new address (YAY!)

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Have you seen the latest Coke add?  It's kinda funky in a way... though I'm sure it will grow to become rather irritating... kind of like my patients sometimes... at first they're cute, or you laugh off their "quirks", but soon enough those same things infuriate you... ah well.... tis life I guess.

I'm thick in the mire of house hunting and packing up... two things for which you will have already noted I'm not a big fan of.  Finding a "perfect home" is not easy.  Nor is packing up and saying goodbye to the place you've been calling home for the last 12 months or so.

I won't miss....

  • The cold floorboards (they were great in the summer though!)
  • the creaky venetians
  • the noisy traffic
  • the creaky doors
  • the lack of doors between my room and the kitchen....

I will miss....

  • The great big backyard
  • My housemate practising the piano
  • The comforting sound of friends in the house
  • The walks... from Rosanna Station to home, and the circuit along the wetlands
  • my quick & easy route to the Eastern Freeway

Both lists could have many more items... and some items could fit on both lists!  The more bothersome list is the "things to do before the end of June"  I won't share that one with you, suffice to say its all about sorting, packing, cleaning and throwing away... the nuts and bolts of moving.  Ugh... time for bed!

I appreciate all your thoughts, prayers and suggestions as I wearily approach June 28th (there ain't enough hours between now and then, either!)

Tschuss till next time... <><

P.S.  Check out Cassa Verba's latest post for a moment of pure joy ;)

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Or I soon will be if I don't find a new place to live by about the 27th of June and counting!

I'll be dog/house sitting for my sister for a week till the 2nd... but that's still not very long.

I've been homeless before, so I can manage for a bit, but its no fun really.  I'm so sick of the moving thing, I've changed address almost too many times to count in the last decade... If I could afford it, I think I'd buy a caravan! ;)  Nah, a houseboat! 

I'd appreciate your prayers, ideas, suggestions over the next two weeks or so....

I really don't want to be homeless :(

Monday, May 18, 2009

Everyday & Moving... a "monday muse"

There's a song I know called Everyday... (Everyday it's you I live for, everyday I'll follow after you, everyday I'll worship you my Lord)  There's another one called Moving (Moving, keep on moving, I've been moving so long the days all feel the same)... There are very different reasons why I like these songs and why they speak to me.

Everyday is pretty obvious... I'm a Christian and so everyday I thank God I'm alive, that he's with me and that hopefully I can give him glory.  This song is all about that and so I like to sing it!

Moving is different.  Its not a P & W, rather an alt-pop song by a band called Supergrass.  I first heard it one long Adelaide summer as a teenager... It has a moving kind of medley and rhythm, on suited to staring blankly out of bus or train windows as the world rushes by (or you rush by the world)  I like it 'cause it has a real gypsy soul, like mine... I have always been a "mover" first because my parents did, and now because I can't seem to stay still!! But I don't agree with all the lyrics... 

firstly, my days rarely always seem the same!  I could post a lot about my varying days (but I'm too busy!)

second the chorus goes ... there's a love, love feeling around me and a stone cold feeling inside.  I just can't stop messing my mind up and wasting my time (ooo).  There's a more-love feeling around me and a stone cold feeling inside.  I've got to find somebody to help me, I'll keep you in mind.  Now I'm very, very rarely stone cold inside... being the all-loved all loving gal that I am... though I do have a tendency to lonliness.  And that probably doesn't make sense upon first reading...  

Mmmm... I'm obsessed with Love.  I know I'm loved (by God, by my parents, by family and friends) but I also need constant reminding that I'm loved as I can be very hard on myself, and also so selfish.  When all I am doing is thinking about me; I get very sad and lonely.  

I also love loving... I love my God and the world and all the beautiful things in creation.  I love my family and friends.  I love everyone really (and sometimes I feel like I've given all my love away with little in return, but that probably for another post).

Where am I going with this?  Back to lonliness and being a mover.  Back to being on a journey.  Here in the world, but not home.  Comfortable, but fully knowing that there are so many around me who aren't.  Knowing that there's something great around the corner, but just not quite here yet.

I'm in a time of my life where I feel like I've journeyed through some really hard and difficult times... and now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  No, now I am so close to the top of the hill.  Still I'm not in a place where I can just enjoy the view... there's too much to do, and so little time to do it in.  But

  • I'm tired, and sick and tired of being sick & tired, and I want to be well!
  • I have so much but I want so much more!
  • There's so much I want to do, but just don't seem to have time for!!

And it's almost 6 months into my "year of getting 'round to it"... and I haven't quite got 'round to it all.... Oh, but I'm tired, and it's 10.30pm and time for me to turn in for the night.

So everyday I'll keep moving, keep praising and praying, keep on keeping on... until its time to rest.  I'm not quite balanced with the rest, the recreation, the work... but I'm getting there.

It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The merry month of May

I love May in Melbourne... the beautiful Autumn weather and colours... the fuss about Mother's Day... the fact that I'm settling into my work more and more.

May also brings my parents wedding anniversary... so here's a pic of them with the flower's I arranged from their kids.  Even managed to surprise Mum, so that was even better!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Upon not sleeping - warning this is a rambling post, beware!

Oh, I just have to smile (or cry) at the irony and agony... am I just my own worst enemy, or am I also just an ordinary christian struggling with sin..?

Well, at any rate its still lent, less than one full week till Easter comes in all its glory.  In my "high" anglican years (Read that as "anglo-catholic") if you wish.  I learnt to enjoy all the "religiousness" around the seasons of the Christian Calendar.  My favourite festival easily became Holy Week - which is Palm Sunday through to Easter (Sunday).  At my school we had reminders of Palm Sunday in Chapel on Monday morning, or perhaps even the Friday before... With green palm fronds and appropriate hymns and prayers and reflections.  Then, yes on Monday morning all the ornaments in the Chapel would be covered over with purple cloths and so would begin our week of "special" chapel events.  The Stations of the Cross... and the divine, oh so divine setting of a special easter hymn... who's name escapes me... Help Glenda, do you remember?  Actually, I think it alternated one year would be stations and the next would be the special hymn (special because it was so long, told the whole story of Easter, and was interspersed with string chamber music, organ, soloists and choir and congregational singing... oh it was beautiful and painful... the agony and the ecstasy that is Easter, captured in a beautiful peace of music (as an aside, I also have to mention that the chapel had wonderful acoustics)  The week (at school) would culminate on Thursday (Maundy Thursday in holy week)  With a fairly solemn Eucharist, (well they all were a bit solemn) but this one also beautiful because it was the tradition for the principal to wash the feet of one girl from each year level of the school... prior to communion, or straight afterwards (bummer how that memory fails me... and it was only 11 years ago!!!)

Anyway, I've completely gone off topic for a ramble there... where was I?  Yes, Lent... well when lent began I was thinking about things I could (but didn't) give up as a fast for lent... in my church we are encouraged to fast, or not fast, in whatever way we think appropriate, but mainly to spend more time in reflection and prayer as we progress toward Easter... at any rate.  I just had to moan to God tonight (something I regularly do when I haven't had a good night's sleep) that one thing that briefly crossed my mind (in addition to "the internet" not practical, and "food" also not practical) was sleep... also not practical, as I distinctly remember thinking... but that could well leave me insane or very ill before it gets to Easter... well its 4.35am on the 26th of March... this time next week is Maundy Thursday (a night to remember the Last Supper, Jesus in the Garden & his betrayal and arrest)... and I'm well on the way to an "all nighter" just couldn't switch off tonight, eventually gave up, put another reflection in  my journal, turned of the light, began to sing a song (I often attempt to sing myself to sleep) which made me cry... (or was that before the journal.... (long nights, also not ze gut for the forgettory)  Oh anyway, here I am at 4.41 - NOT ASLEEP.  Did I actually promise to give up sleep for lent?? Well no, but I did think about it... and I had also thanked God just prior to Lent that sometimes I don't even have to pray for something "properly" like with Dear God.... amen, but that I could basically "think" about it and God answered my prayer, provided my need... does that also mean that because I thought about it... no, now I'm being silly, and I'm back again to the "my own worst enemy"/just an ordinary christian struggling with sin argument.

Upon not sleeping... how pointless!

Oh, but back to School and holy week... after every Eucharist the girls were "rewarded" for being on their "best behaviour" in chapel by getting a pastry treat... I'm fairly certain it was Hot Cross Buns after Thursday's Eucharist (one day early for the strictly faithful... how many of them are there nowadays??)

Mmm, actually, I loved Holy Week before school too... Maundy Thursday can have a special night time service... what's it called, Dad?  Where a series of readings, quiet hymns/reflections/prayers are divided by the extinguishing of candles... so that by the end of the service the congregation is in complete darkness... One very memorable Maundy Thursday night, I attended the service in a tiny little church that did not have electricity, so that when all the candles were extinguished it really was dark... and my Dad (the minister) and another member of the church had prearranged a special reminder of how shocking, scary and dark that moment of betrayal was... do you want to know how???  

tee hee, hee... stay tuned (for another exciting episode of Joce's rambling ravings!!!)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Belated Blogging

I cannot seem to get my act together lately so am belatedly blogging best birthday wishes to my beautiful little bliss, Glenda, and my bella Aunty Irene (I have another name for her but those who've read Roald Dhal would think it uncomplimentry, so I won't tell you!!!)

It was Glenda's birthday on the 7th... I don't remember her birth as I'm only 21 months older than her, but I do recall that it was a Sunday, that her birthweight was a little higher than mine, and that she's the fair, smiling, benevolent one (compared to me.... hence the name Bliss)

No really, she brings sunshine into the lives of those she knows and loves, and I suspect even into the lives of those she doesn't really know... I have a memory of a Christian folk singer's song about sunshine at the edge of my brain (Help me Mum, what is it?? Evie...)  Glenda used to love that song.

Anyway... over the years we've done the usual sister kind of things, and mostly I look back in fondness.  Recently too, as we caught up over hot drinks post a session at the Rivoli we had to agree that our relationship has gone from a difficult patch to a new strength.  So I just want to Thank God for giving me such a beautiful little sis, and thank my sister for the encouragement and support she's lavished on me over the years.  I really do appreciate it!

Now to Aunty Irene... what can I say?  You're the third of five sisters... born on March 12th, my only Aunty who doesn't have children of her own, and.... I would have to say you're the Aunt who keeps in touch most often and keeps the memory of my special West Australian family close by.  You always have a cuppa and a listening ear ready, you've always demonstrated love, interest, enjoyment in the things I've achieved (or not quite), the times we've spent together, the letters and phone calls we've exchanged, and even the advice that you've dispenced is so treasured and appreciated.  Though we've never lived nearby one another, you've always been close.  So thank you for always making an effort with your distant neices and nephews and I'll continue to look forward the next pot of PoW, or G&T, or new & delicious Indian restaurant... that we can share together!  

Happy Birthday Aunty Irene, sorry I didn't get that birthday card in the post... an extra special letter on the way... but glad that you were spoilt on your special day (and apologies from Tim that he woke you!!) (wink)  here's a pic  of Mum and Irene with Mum's place in Schopfheim in the background (Irene gets to visit her more often than I do)... which one is which?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's all about a 4 day week!

Well, some days are better than others, and if you can see what time I posted my last entry... you will know why today is not one of my better days... but that's just the thing... because I work a 4 day week (and I have to be at work on Friday for a meeting at 0830) I decided the best thing for me to do was to have a MHD today and work on Friday instead.... no doctors, no use of sick leave... Yep, its all about flexi-time!

And I get to sleep in on Monday, as I have a medical appointment at the Northen Hospital at 10am... so no point in busting my gut to get to work at 0830 on Monday only to leave at 0900 to get from Elsternwick to Epping.  So I'll do a half, day on Monday... which means Friday work makes even more sense as I have a case conference pretty well straight after lunch on Monday.

Busy, busy, busy... but with flexi-time... not insane or sick!

Here's to keeping my love of the job and not burning out -


and hope you're Tuesday is going good too <><

On the big C

Commitment that is.... Just thinking about it a lot, mainly as regarding my faith... and also my failure so far to live up to my New Year's resolution to "get 'round to it"... so I'm recommiting to that as well!

The reason the big C is on my mind is that my little church has been celebrating Commitment Month this February... but as C-month ends... Lent begins and I have another 4 weeks to think about commitment.

If you've never heard of Lent before it's the 40 days (excluding Sundays) preceeding Easter Sunday.  It begins on Ash Wednesday... (which I'm fairly certain was called that before 1983, when Victoria's last worst bushfires were)... but I'm not sure why its called "Ash" Wednesday... something to do with ashes most likely (and not the one's that the Australian and English Cricket teams compete for!!) [Boy, am I digressing... a bad habit of mine when I'm tired!!]

During Lent Christians are encouraged to fast and pray leading up to Easter... I don't think I'll be fasting from meals this year as I'm trying to put on weight... but will have to think of something else to fast from before Wednesday....

Tommow (well today actually) is Shrove Tuesday... well know for eating pancakes, though that is also a tradition whose origins are unknown to me....

The other "events" during Lent are all squished into the last "Holy Week", which begins on Palm Sunday (The Sunday preceeding Easter Sunday, when Jesus entered Jerusalem), continues to Maundy Thursday... the night Jesus was arrested, Good Friday... the day Jesus was crucified (also the day you are SUPPOSED to eat Hot Cross Buns!!)... and finally Easter Sunday... the day Jesus rose from the dead.....

Oooo.... so much to look forward to, I love this time of year, especially because it also ushers in Autumn and I'm SO looking forward to Autumn (and praying it will be a wet one!)

But back to commitment... what do you think I should fast from?  and do you have any suggestions for prayer...?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why I don't like summer....

It's obvious on a day like today... when the mercury is almost to 40 (celsius)

I just don't like the heat... and now I have to log off as my computer is unmercifully overheating too :(

Promise I'll post again when a cool day comes around... in the meantime, hope this makes you smile....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hot in the city...

I made the mistake of checking out the Nightmarket at Queen Vic Markets this evening... the concrete in the city was still radiating the high 30s temp, despite the cool change coming through about midday and it was too crowded, too pricey... just overrated... I escaped to the shops on Franklin St and bought myself a groovy new jacket... my little bliss and me are going shopping Friday... so I'll get her to bring her camera and show off the new wares!

PS Work is improving, were back to fully staffed now, but with renovation work going on many of our rooms are closed so I don't have a full caseload - Bliss, think I might even be able to POETS (though for me its really POETF!!) on Friday

Tschuss <><