Monday, November 26, 2007

The fruits of summer...

Summer is just a few days away and already the ripening summer fruits are adorning the supermarket produce isles. I'm enjoying mangoes, cherries, strawberries and apricots most of all. Aldi even has them at reasonable prices... Bring on summer. Oh how I enjoy all its fruits... bright sunny days and long balmy evenings, BBQs and picnics and days on the beach. Cricket and the night market at Queen Vic. Christmas and holidays and special times to share with family and friends. My little sister and her husband are off to Germany in a couple of week's time, they'll miss out on the best part of summer this year, but will be consoled with Austria, Rome, Prague and special time with our parents.
Mmm, more cherries... yum!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Close Shave

The weather wasn't so good on Friday evening and I was tired and heading home from work. The car I was driving (a work car) had been playing up all afternoon, skidding when starting at traffic lights, etc, but that didn't prepare me for what happened next...

I had just turned from a side street into the main road and was picking up speed when the tyres span and skidded and I lost control of the vehicle. Thankfully I was alone, didn't hit any other cars and came to a stop after plowing through someone's fence and into a tree in their front yard.

I was able to drive the car safely around the corner and off the main street, which was wet and very busy. Then called the insurer and waited for a tow truck. Didn't have to wait long and the tow driver was kind and waited with me for my boyfriend to come and pick me up. I was pretty shaken but otherwise unharmed.

Below is a picture of the carnage that I took with my mobile phone. Thank goodness I had already dropped off the child I had been looking after that afternoon!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Quiet Days

Things I love about quiet days:

- that they are preceeded by a rest night's sleep
- that you have time to just sit still and consider
- breakfast in bed and Margaret Throsby's interview
- time for prayer and bible reading
- time to catch up on odd jobs that have been left for too long
- a chance to get in touch with friends and family
- time to do "homey" things like baking

I have the chance to have a quiet day today and I'm enjoying it in all its sparseness!! ;)

I hope you are having a good day too xo

Monday, September 17, 2007

God provides :)

It is wonderful how our God provides what we need (just not always in the way we first anticipated...)

I was planning to go away for the weekend. Good family friends of mine live on the edge of the city in a beautiful, big home. I was hoping to go and stay with them for the weekend. Spend a little time with them and just take a breath and relax. But it has been deferred indefinately.

I was feeling deflated. Why? Its not fair! I was really looking forward to that weekend, God... I complained. Then, while I was checking my e-mail an opportunity passed my way. I received an invitation to a camp. Cross Cultures is a ministry overseen by my church and the AFES of Melbourne University. They meet on Thursday evenings for dinner and basic bible study. It is to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the young foreign students who temporarily call Australia home. Twice a year they go on camp and that is what the e-mail was about. Hmmm, I wondered, perhaps they could use mine & my car's services... So I offered and was accepted.

I drove to Albury (NSW border) on Friday and picked up the cooks - Max & Mary, a delightful couple who formerly attended Cross Cultures when they were living in Melbourne. We then drove to Echuca via a small detour as I wasn't paying attention to my fuel gauge!! But we arrived (late) but safely at the camp. Actually the last of the campers didn't arrive till after 2am!!!

We were blessed with beautiful weather, a great campsite (Billabong Ranch), an inspiring preacher and great food. I assisted Max & Mary in the kitchen and appreciated getting out of the big city for a weekend. All too briefly it was over and time to head back to Melbourne.

It really was a blessed weekend and reminded me how wonderfully my God provides for me. He knew I needed a weekend away and he provided it, as well as an opportunity for me to live out my core values for 2007! ;) Isn't he great?!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Splendid Sydney Wedding...

I was very privileged to be able to join with my cousin Josh and his family to celebrate his marriage to the lovely Jayne. It was a beautiful wedding followed by a fabulous reception right on the waterfront at Darling Harbour. I don't think I'll ever attend a wedding quite like it again. So I really enjoyed living it up at the reception!! It was held in the kind of venue that you can float past or walk or drive by while looking into the windows and wishing you could afford to eat there! The ceremony was very traditional but also very special as it was held in the church where our Great Grandfather and his children (including our Grandfather) were very, very involved in. Aunty Jean also pointed out the house that our Great Grandfather used to live in. Ah, if only his grandchildren hadn't been so philanthropic!! We would still have that Rosebay frontage on Sydney Harbour.... Still, I consider that our family's connection with the Eternity story is more illustrious and to be proud of than even Kirribilli house!! (so there!)

The speeches during the reception were also great. My parents were singled out for special mention as they had bothered to send a telegram wishing Josh and Jayne all the best on their special day. I got a bit teary at that point, although all the speaches were very moving. The MC got teary too!! There was also some very impressive dancing as Jayne grew up dancing at the Schembri dance studios. Her chief bridesmaid and best friend Corrina will even be starring in the upcoming series of Dancing With the Stars, so I shared the dancefloor with a celebrity ;) Unfortunately I didn't get to dance with any of her dancing friends, and nor was the music particularly inspiring. It doesn't help at these kind of events when your brother is a DJ. We were all wishing he was in charge of the music, but he wasn't as then he would have been working instead of enjoying himself!!

All in all it was a fantastic celebration. God was honoured and we all enjoyed ourselves. The only thing that was missing were several special family members, like my parents, but more particularly Josh's younger brother Daniel. He was invited, but he lives in a cult so he didn't come. I have attached a picture below of the three siblings. I can almost picture Daniels beaming face next to Josh. Please join me in praying that he will be freed from the community and reunited with his family.

I also had a great time with my extended family, especially Anna, who is my nearest cousin in age. She has been living it large in the UK for the last couple of years and has just returned home. We went for a long, long walk and talk and then I gave her a driving lesson! I've heard since that she's gaining in both skill and confidence - you go girl!!

Well, that's enough for now. Enjoy the pics and I'll post again with more stories soon.... Tschuss, Ciao & Bye for now <><>

Saturday, August 11, 2007

My Magnificent Mum!

Happy Birthday Mum!Ten things I love about my Mum...
  1. She writes the BEST letters
  2. She taught me to appreciate a good cup of tea
  3. The way she sings/whistles when she works around the house
  4. That she is always ready to welcome another to her table
  5. She has not let "age" catch up with her... ;)
  6. Her tasty, healthy, heartfelt cooking (I'm drooling just pondering it!)
  7. The way she falls asleep when I read to her in bed
  8. How she does everything she can to help her precious children (even from thousands of kilometres away)... and how she "adopts" all those without wonderful Mums like her!
  9. Her eye for beautiful things... like roses, pictures, scarves, shoes
  10. That she continues to love God, my Dad and me - and how she not only tells of her love but does it every day.

Five Things I would do for my Mum's Birthday (where's that warp switch??)

  1. Pick and arrange a fragrant and colourful bunch of flowers
  2. Dance around to Mum's latest favourite pop song/music
  3. Bake a fantastic layer cake with all the trimmings - passionfruit sponge anyone?
  4. Give her a manicure/pedicure, massage, whatever she wants to make her feel like a "million dollars"
  5. And finally ensure that she is wearing a splediferous outfit to go with those fantastic shoes (so she looks a million dollars too!)

Ah, instead my poor Mum had to suffice with an e-card, a phone call... and the package will get to you eventually (promise it will be worth the wait Mummy!!!)

PS Did you notice that her knuckes aren't white? Instead of singing another bad version of "Happy Birthday" how about this... can you remember the tune?

We've come a long, long way together/ Through the hard times and the good/ I have to celebrate you baby/ I have to praise you like I should....

Thursday, July 05, 2007

A Tail of two dogs... & a bunny

(on the left) This is Bob... he's a hyperactive and very friendly fox terrier....

(on the right) and this is Maddy... she's a hyperactive and very friendly fox terrier too...
and last, but (definately) not least....

(below) This is Rabbito... a calm and quiet rabbit.

I would count these three little creatures among my friends, but why is that exactly?

Is it because they live in the homes of people I hold dear?
Is it because they are nearly always happy to see me?
Is it because they are happy to let you watch them... do their intimate things?
Or is it just that age old thing... I just read a really funny quote that seems quite apt...

"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend... Inside a dog, its too dark to read"! (and a prize for the first person who can tell me who first said it!!!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Saturday morning dreaming...

I think this picture below left is a good reminder of what inspired Australia's iconic painters.

I took it at the "destination" of a little bushwalk I joined in with at the beginning of this month.

Many of the older trees had obvious markings of previous bushfires, but there was also the bright new growth that came with the Autumn rains...

The dirt was quite clay/red (and hard) and the sky was a pale blue, with quite a bit of high cloud...

Because you can't smell it, or hear the birds and chatter of my fellow walkers.... I've attempted to embed a little tune that is a big favourite of mine.... let me know if it works!

Oh, and on the right, above is an example of one of the real paintings, please excuse the low quality. (Its called "Lost" and I'm very thankful for the well marked paths you can find in the parks managed by Parks Victoria, these days!!)

The song is Autumn Flow, artist is called Lior.

More exciting posts coming soon.... <><

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Giving Thanks and Praise!

This post is going to be a long one... go and get yourself a cup of tea & relax!!

How do I begin to give thanks and praise?
I have just listened to an hour of good old traditional and riveting radio from my national broadcaster and it left me with the overwhelming desire to blog - and to give thanks... and praise.... (If you want to hear what I was listening to, visit the link and its the show from 14th June)

Then it sparked a short but packed reflection on the blessings I have been showered with recently.

I'm having the day off today and resting in bed. I overdid it spectacularly for my birthday weekend, and finished it with a throat infection/cold/flu thing. I was soldiering on, until a rather restless sleep to wake with a ragged throat, brick head and sick breath... no, not worth the effort, and I need to be well. I think I'm going to like my new job, but currently its exhausting!!

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, giving thanks... It is winter here now, but the thing I love about a Melbourne winter is the way the sun shines. Yesterday it felt really cold (and this morning there was a definate layer of frost on grass and cars, 4 degrees, brrrr), but you could still feel the gentle warmth of the sun, and we now have green grass again. You blessed ones in well watered parts of the world probably don't understand or cant imagine the great expanse of Australia's dessert landscape. But now the Darling is flowing again, and perhaps there is hope for the mighty Murray. I love rain, the way it washes everything and leaves it bright and vibrant. The way the Australian landscape smells after rain too - it is my favourite scent in the whole world (but a difficult one to describe). Winter has so many comforts, and a sense of fierce camraderie not necessary in the excesses of summer. In winter the harsh realities of the world we live in can no longer be ignored. The division between those that have and those that have not can be the difference between life and death in winter. It is in winter that generosity is a gift so essential.

Monday morning dawned cold and drissly (I know because I was still enjoying Sunday and suddenly it was Monday!) I did something I have always longed to do, and inhabited my favourite city for the night. A friend and I left the NightCat (a club featuring a great live latin band) in Fitzroy at 1am. Its still so early! I mused, but as we wandered the streets of Fitzroy and Collingwood, heading into East Melbourne - everywhere was closing. I plucked a free paper from the doorway of a closed shop. (Its not stealing when it was free, and the owner obviously didn't want it.) Where are we headed? My friend asked. Well we first stopped in the Exhibition Gardens and then I got it in my head to visit the fairy tree in Fitzroy Gardens (actually East Melbourne). I can remember visiting the little Tudor village and Fairy Tree as a child, and thinking I'd like to come at night time (with that childish thought that the magic things always come out at night). There were a lot of possums, hoping we had food! Every time I have visited Fitzroy Garden I have felt a wonderful sense of peace. I think God inhabits that place and that it must have a history of people finding peace and solace among its trees and plants. Nearby are two or three hospitals and so I imagine the sick being brought in to taste the fresh air. I found shelter under the hedge surrounding the Fairy Tree, instucting my friend to be quiet and just listen. I'm not sure how long I spent there, but it was wonderful and life affirming. I was visited by Nan too. I don't know if she ever saw the Tudor village and Fairy Tree, but its the kind of place I think she would have liked. She was a wonderful woman, so generous with her love, even though she had never really been loved and nurtured as a child and woman. She was an orphan. She loved like the clod of clay. (See my post on the clod and the pepple if that doesn't make sense) Not that her husband, daughter and friends didn't love her, but she was so deligtfully eccentric, and not well understood. She really knew how to make you feel special though. She always gave the very best treats and hugs and compliments. And Next to the painted dead tree, under the hedge, in the shadow of great tall pines. I felt other friendly, good spirits. Its a safe place.

In trying to explain it to my friend I cried with frustration, but he was determined to understand so we got past it. Now we were wandering again, heading into the city proper. We ended up finding more shelter under the footbridge that crosses the Yarra (beyond the station and over to Crown Casino) This time I cried of lonliness. No one had sung me happy birthday on my birthday, and there was no cake!!! Why I could get so upset about such little things.... but those of you that know me, know what I'm like! My friend could understand how I felt. His family is far away too. But he reminded me that I'm never alone, and have friends and family everywhere. How right he is, and I felt a lot better after that. I also had to remind myself that I hadn't even given my friends and family a chance - by organising my own party so thoroughly there was no room for people to surprise me!!! Still Sundays are always the hardest day for me, because they were such a family day when I used to live at home. And I told my friend how, growing up I was always the fortunate one who had both her parents around for her birthday. (Tim & especially Glenda, weren't so lucky).

Well, now we were really cold and it was time to find a nice hot drink to warm us up... but cafe's were not in full open mode at 3am on a public holiday!!! We were finally headed up to Stalactites (a 24 hour Greek restaurant) When we passed a young man huddled in the doorway of a pub. I stopped to ask if he was ok, he wasn't, and we helped him to get to Spencer St station and on to the train home. I've never met a more polite young drunk man (I suspect his parents are Catholic) and I'm praying fiercly that he will soon find God's grace - also hoping he really did make it home ok, and that he will find himself some real friends who look after him, rather than leaving him to catch hypothermia or drown in vomit. It was my good deed for the day (and I probaly saved money for our public services too!) ;)

By the time our young friend was on the train it was nearing dawn and the city (even on a public holiday) was waking up. We boarded a tram and headed back to Carlton. Threshermans was open for business and even had good tunes. My car was parked in Carton, so I dropped my friend home and then headed back to my temporary abode. Into the shower. Best way to warm up, and because it was breakfast time, I had a bit to eat before turning in for a few hours.

But I've been completely off the topic again (I did warn you it would be a long one!) I lived my weekend 150%, and God was definately there. You know when there are just too many not quite so random encounters?? Perhaps I just had my eyes and ears open more than usual, I know I was looking for opportunities, and it was a Sunday!!

On Monday I was a bit tired, but still enjoying my birthday weekend. I got up very leisurely and was out the door around 1.30ish to meet my Godmother in the city. I didn't like waiting for the train in the shadow of the big hospital (Its a bit of a scary place). The other direction looked onto a stand of huge flowering gum trees and they were full of birds. My voice wasn't working too well, by this time, so I couldn't sing. I whistled gospel tunes instead! I missed The Gospel Show on Sunday morning (because I was having my birthday brekkie). Gospel tunes are so good for giving strength. They remind us what kind of a God we believe in!

Which brings me back nicely to the real theme of this post, and because its probably gone on long enough already. I'm going to resort to bullet points of thanks and praise!!!

  • For my new job (it will be a good one)
  • For my new home!!! Yay, and its even walking distance to the Northcote... this could be dangerous ;)
  • For my wonderful family - every day I give thanks to God for the wonderful parents and brothers and sisters he blessed me with. I thank God that its not so hard to imagine him and relate to him as my loving father, as I have a loving earthly father too!!
  • For my wonderful brothers and sisters (in Christ), my other family. Isn't it so great that we have a relational God who longs for us to have good relationships, and helps us and guides us to have good relationships?
  • For my Church (currently the Estates, and what a family, they are!) I haven't blogged about our weekend away, what an inspiring and wonderful weekend it was!
  • For my daily bread - even though recently I've not had much money, I've never been without. God really does provide all we need each day.
  • For my Car (I know its not right to be so attaced to an inanimate object, but I can't help it!)
  • For the sun that shines, the rain that falls, for the seasons, for the day and for the night... for the trees and the flowers, all that is good and lovely in creation!
  • For birthdays... I think its all the compliments, can't get enough!! ;)
  • Did I mention my new home?
  • For Ecclestiastes 3 - it is good to know that the seasons do change, for those that are having a hard time, you will get through it, for those that are enjoying success, it too will pass, so enjoy it while it lasts!
  • For God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

And so we come finally to praise... You cannot thank God without praising him also. Just as you cannot marvel at creation without complimenting its creator. But I feel I've gone on quite long enough, so perhaps I'll save the praising for a future post..... <><

Saturday, June 09, 2007

For my Parents part 2

What would we do without parents?

I had a lovely chat to both my Mum & Dad this afternoon. They even appologised for being unable to call me on my actual birthday (I told them not to worry, I won't be at home to take their call anyway!)

Thanks Mum for all the newsy stuff, and the words of encouragement. Especially for retelling me the little anecdote you shared with Eliane on Wednesday. It nearly made me cry 'cause your words were just like a great big hug!!

Thanks Dad for reminding me to keep the priorites in check... you know how excited I can get when new things are happening... and I thought your Life on The Edge talk was great!! I'm going to put it on my MP3 so I can listen to it again next week on my way to work. May I suggest you download J Piper's talk on Missions (To Die is Gain) from his website? We listened to it at camp last weekend and it was great.

Oh, and I hope you both really enjoy SEED conference this weekend. I don't expect you to brag about me all day on Sunday (but a little bit is ok too!!) ;)

Love you both lots & lots... BIG VIRTUAL HUGS OOOO

Joce <><
PS and yes I know the picture is Christmas, but its just me pretending that Saturday night would be a roast lunch made by Mum, with pavlova/cake for dessert, instead of dinner at a not too fancy restaurant with my bro's, sisters and Cheryl... not that they aren't special too, cause they are... just not my Mum & Dad!
PPS Had a nice pav for dinner tonight Mum (but yours are still the best!)

Jocelyn's Birthday weekend....

Seeing as we have a public holiday for the Queen this weekend (even though her birthday isn't in June....) I couldn't resisit celebrating my own birthday in Joce's classic style... like last minute, try something out you've never done before....
If you're in Melbourne this weekend, then you're most welcome to join in the fun... check out the link for further details....
The pic is what me and my friends might look like on Monday morning!! ;) with thanks to my young german friend... and the picture taken when he wasn't wriggling looks much better!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

For My Parents

Happy Wedding Anniversary! Last year Dad was in the US, so they had to delay their celebrations, I wonder how they remember this special occasion today?
Will Dad mention his beautiful wife at choir practice? Special breakfast? Meeting up in Basel for a special little meal?
I know that they eat breakfast, and complete their morning routine, including prayer and bible study together most mornings. I was privileged to join them in this habit while I stayed with them.
I simply thank God that they have eachother, that they love him and us so much, and I ask that he will continue to bless them as they serve him in Europe.
I think they're great, and of course I miss them, but I also know that they are where God needs them, and this makes me thankful.
I love you both lots! xo xo
PS If you're wondering about the photo, it was taken in Melbourne when we were out for dinner as a family, probably about 2 years ago now.

Monday, May 14, 2007

For My Mum

Many places around the world celebrated Mother's Day today.

I couldn't give my Mum a big hug and kiss,

Or speak to her and tell her,

or make her breakfast in bed,

or pick flowers for her table,

I wasn't orgainised enough to send her a gift, or even a real card!!

So I have to post a little tribute to her on my blog, in the hope that this will remind her that I thought of and prayed and hoped that she was reminded of how special she is.

I love you Mum, I hope you have a lovely day today, and that it makes a great to start to what will be a very special week... (more on that later!)

xo xo With lots of love (and virtual hugs & kisses) from your daughter, Jocelyn ox ox

Friday, May 11, 2007

PTL & progress report...

Well, I haven't had an overwhelming response to my helps... but still hoping... I expect some of you have been praying as God has certainly pulled through!

When I worked out my May budget last week... I was just a bit short... well last night I received a letter from my Grandad Bob with a donation (and he doesn't read blogs!) AND I now have a new 2 day/week locum job [that pays weekly :)]. I had an ace first day @ work... I even have a room with a view (ah,........... but no time to spend day dreaming, the office is too sociable for that!)

Now I just need some lovely new flat mates in reasonable digs within 10kms of Melbourne CBD in a w-N-E direction!! And some furniture to sleep on, put my clothes in an my limited stock of books/CDs upon... oh and bedside table and comfy chair... is that too demanding, perhaps a desk wouldn't go amiss either... seeing as I'm going to be doing more writing....

Isn't God Good? I feel so blessed I just had to share it with ya'll. And do you know I think that he always provides what we need... it may not be what we wanted, we may have to wait longer than we'd like, he even provides things we didn't think we needed!!! ;) He's just so faithful and good. I don't know what I'd do without him, so thankfully I don't ever need to be - yay!

Amen, Good night <><

Friday, May 04, 2007

Help (part two):

Many of you who know me, will know that I am a bit of an amateur wordsmith... What you may not know is that I lost a significant collection of my poems last year. Most of them I had written since 1992, and kept together in a folder with all my random jottings, including some unfinished bits.

This has been bothering me quite a lot (as you who like words would no doubt understand), but I realised that not all of it is completely lost...

You see, I'm not a completely humble sort, and have been know to display my wordsmithing talents. I've even used them as inexpensive, but meaningful gifts for friends or family, or even to perform for special events or public adulation!! ;)

If I have ever given you a copy of one of my poems, or stories, or if you know of one that I gave to someone else, can you please let me know?

I would like to collect them up again, you see... I feel a bit lost without my words....


I was just completing my budget for this month (its easy to budget when you don't have much money!!) and I have a little problem... its not quite black... Now this is a concern in more ways than one The budget expenses aren't even complete, and don't include important things like tithe and saving... both of which I'd really like to be doing!

My first thought is - Help Lord, I need a little bit more....

My second is... well you've given me two hands, what else can I do?

So, if you have a job you think I can help you with, and especially if you're willing to share a few of your resources with me... I'd be much appreciative.

Here's a few suggestions:

  • domestic jobs - cleaning, gardening, handwashing car with grey water, baby sitting (I'm experienced in all these jobs, like to do them, and have a good rate going, plus I tithe, but I don't charge GST, and I'm not insured!)

  • pet walking (aa, and I like exercise)

  • the other thing has been paid surveys, but there's strict rules about how often you can do them :(

  • I have my own car and can travel around greater Melbourne (from an Eastern base, but not too great, petrol aint cheap these days!)

  • And sorry all you non-Melbourne, Aussie folks, flying is environmentally unfriendly (and expensive)

So, what do you think? All my contact details are on Facebook, or you might know them.... Give me a call if you have a job for me to do.

Thanks in advance <><

PS looks like a need to move house in a few weeks, so your prayers for that are also appreciated... and I need a job!

and this is me showing off my newest toy... thanks Ali!

PS I've also added the next bit of chapter 8

And just in case you've been reading that little story I began writing in Japan last year... I've added the next bit of chapter 8.... more to come soon <><

Preparing to Rock...!!

So, one of my good friends is having a Rockstar themed Karaoke night for her birthday this Saturday... I'm really looking forward to it (her Karaoke parties ALWAYS rock!)... but I can't decide which Rockstar to go as....

  • An Aussie?
  • A gal?
  • Popstars are also allowed...
  • Someone not too obvious...
  • but also not too difficult to pull off
  • I can't change my hair as I need a new job...
  • however cosmetics are allowed

I would prefer to be someone I can impersonate at the mike too... Have to decide tomorrow... any suggestions?

Thursday, April 12, 2007

jocelynspace: Mountains and Valleys

Mountains and Valleys

As I reflect on Easter, the production, and yes, my life so far this year... it is full of mountains and valleys. Particularly mountains, but valleys more recently...

(If you're not sure what I mean check out my comment linked to this post which contains the lyrics of the song that inspired the tile of this post.)

I've often struggled with my mental health, probably since I was twelve and experienced grief for the first time. Not that grieving is a mental illness, but just that I identify that time as the first that I understood unhappiness. In 2000 I dropped lower than I had before or have since, and soon after I experienced my first "high" or perhaps mania is a better word, seeing as it was a mood not influenced by drug use... Last year I struggled with anxiety and panic attacks and looking back realise I was much more ill than I thought (scary). Plus that time wasn't only bad for me, but injured my friends and family, and caused others to worry about me (so much it made them sick too). Then as Christmas and New Year came the mountaintop arrived and stayed and stayed and stayed... for the first time I had to admit to myself that I really was sick, and really did need help, perhaps even medication... ugh, I don't like to label myself with a mental illness, it sounds much better just to say I've struggled with my mental health...
(but perhaps to those of you who haven't can't see a distinction. )

Anyway, I also decided that I wasn't going to let my moods (or my illness) dictate the person I am. I don't want to live my life on a rollercoaster, or as someone who regularly burns out and needs to take a break from life. But I can't do it by myself. Asking for help isn't easy for us proud, independent types... think we're intelligent, skilled, blah, blah, enough to help ourselves. As a Christian, I know this is false... and yet I still persist independently and avoid asking for help. I'd almost say hopeless, except that I'm not depressed so unwilling to admit that! ;)

I realise each day how much I need my saviour, and am so thankful I have him. I also realise each day how much I need my brothers and sisters... not just the family I was born into, but the people who are my brothers and sisters in Christ. The ones who have been my family when my family wasn't available, or was too far away. And I thank God for all of them.

Then I realise that there are so many people out there who don't know how much they need these people... or who do, but don't have them, and my heart breaks, and longs to bring them into the family I love so much. (and am loved by, yay!)

And yet, before me is a valley... Its not too deep, I can see the path ahead... but the road is narrow and steep, treacherous even, I can't see exactly where it is going, just that it is. And I'm tired, so I'm taking it slowly for the time being. Patching up the wounds I incurred as I tumbled down the last part of the hill [still, it was fun ;) don't you remember rolling down a grassy slope?] And I'm not here alone... friends and family are with me here, behind me and before me... and most importantly my saviour. We're holding hands today and walking side by side. He'll never leave me, never take me where I cannot go with him. There's even some people along the sidelines, cheering me on... thank you to all of you who are praying for me. And thank you to the faithful saints who finished the race ahead of me. But thank you most of all Jesus, my saviour... you completed this path thousands of years ago and yet are willing to walk with each of us. What a gift!

Lastly to those of you who do understand, who yourselves are in valleys, most likely deeper than mine. Be encouraged. You are not alone. There are so many of us who understand where you are, what it is like, and who are willing to walk with you. Please, if you need help, ask. There are so many people who want to help you. Especially Jesus, he longs to save all those who call on him.

My prayer is that my journey can be an encouragement to others, and that my faith is infectious and will give glory to God!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Just a thought....

The traditional church celebrates Lent at this time of year. It is 40 days (excluding Sundays, for some reason) from Ash Wednesday (mid Feb) until Easter (Good Friday). This sunday is Palm Sunday, when we remember Jesus entering the gates of Jerusalem. Riding on the colt of a donkey, but receiving a welcome fit for a king.
In my church we've been focussing on prayer... each sunday we've looked at a further sentence of the Lord's Prayer. I'll reprint it for those not familiar...
Our Father in Heaven
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
For the kingdom the power and the glory are yours
Now and forever amen.
(that's the prayer book version, for the original see Matt 6, or click on the link below.)
We also have a lenten study guide of daily psalms and prayer points.
I've found it really helpful. It is always good to be reminded of our creator and I have especially been focussing on the Great Commandment. It is simpler and more challenging than we realise... just as it is to hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. This world has never been easy, but it is so difficult to not be "me" person in our generation.
Please join me in praying that this easter many will see Christ for who he is...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Treading the boards.....

My church in Melbourne - St Jude's Carlton, puts on a musical every couple of years. I missed it the last time as it was put on 4 years ago, and I've only been a member 3 years! But, I came home from O/S just in time to audition and I'm playing Mary (that is Martha & Lazarus' sister). If you're in Melbourne I reakon you should come and see me be the 19 year old I never quite was... like, I'm trying to be a cool and groovy... and I get to sing as well as act. The Musical was written by talented members of our church too... plus, if you're the kind of person who skips church in favour of the comedy festival, then you can come in the first week of Easter to make up for not coming Good Friday or Easter Sunday!!! he, he, just jokes, but you might get to meet a Jesus you never knew.... Below is the blurb our publicity person wrote... Only 4 rehersals to go... don't worry we'll be great!! ;)

One Man Dies St Jude's Carlton presents 'One Man Dies', an Easter musical (based onthe international bestseller 'The Bible'). Come and see the events ofthe first Easter in a quality musical production. Whether you've heard the story thousands of times or you've never heard it before,you want to know more or you just like theatre productions, thismusical is for you and your friends. Invite your friends, and booknow!

Where: St Jude's Anglican church, Palmerston St, Carlton

When: April 2-6, 7:30pm

How much:Preview night April 2, all tickets $10 (check it out and invite yourfriends later in the week)Gala opening April 3, tickets $20 / 15 / 7 (black tie; refreshments provided) April 4-6, tickets $17 / 12 / 7Ticket bookings: Phone 0404 232 844, book at a Sunday service, or buy at the door

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Want to see me lose my curly locks??

I have decided that I will try and post every Sunday - a new habit! But I have to admit to being up to my old tricks (not getting enough sleep). I had an unfortunate all nighter last night, but have put a curfew on Sunday nights - 10pm LIGHTS OUT _ non-negotiable!!!

Do you think I'll be able to stick to it? Only time will tell... but to commemorate my new habits and also to confirm my goals for this year... Save & Serve with love & enjoyment. I have decided to shave my head - and not just for me, but to raise funds for the Leukemia foundation!

You can sponsor me by visiting my page on their website - link attached to this post...

The photo above is my most recent one. My dad took it, guess where...?

Lots of love to you all and hope you are having a blessed and happy Sunday.

Tschuss, Ciao & Bye for now,

Joce <><

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Wonderful News! Welcome to Australia Mohamad!

I received this wonderful news while still in Germany, but just had to share it with you all. I have been in contact with Mohammad Faisal for about 4 years, writing to him while he was in detention on Nauru. He was finally evacuated to Australia late last year after concerns were raised about his deteriorating mental state... It is sad that he almost had to die for his true self to be acknowledged. ASIO changed their minds about him and he is no longer considered a security threat... I knew this from his letters, all the time that I wrote to him. Despite his hopelessness, fear and lonliness he always expressed a concern for me and my family and best wishes for our lives... I don't even know if I would be capable of such love whilst suffering so much... I only hope I wont ever be put to that test....

Freedom is not a privilege - we should all be born free and loved... even my God gives us freedom, even the freedom to choose whether or not we follow him... and freedom from the darkness of this world if we do... (follow him, that is...) It is no secret that I do not support my governments stand on so called "illegal immigration". I believe it is the highest form of cruelty - to inprison someone - without charge, with no knowledge of when they may expect freedom, separated from family and friends, often in the middle of nowhere or on a remote island in the pacific, unable to access adequate health care or to be given support for the trauma they have already expeienced in fleeing persecution and hardship, to witness hopelessness and despair, sucide attempts and cruelty. We may not exercise the death penalty in our country, for which I am thankful... but how can we tell the world we are a free and democratic society when we do this? While complaining about the treatment of David Hicks and the drug mules inprisoned in Indonesia... I have been horrified to watch as our government allowed ships to sink in now excised "Australian waters"... then accusing people of throwing their children into the tempestous sea! Our current government won an election on the back of this stuff - breathing fear and mistrust, twisting our view of a damaged and desparate group of people. Would you flee your home, family and friends, pay all your life savings for passage on a leaky boat... if you didn't have to? Would people intending to harm us and our country bother to use this method to get here? I don't think so, especially as its now common knowledge that if the boat even makes it, you won't get to place your feet on Australian soil...

I don't mean to preach, but there is no other topic in Australian politics that fills me with less bile. It makes me ashamed of being Australian, and that I can't stand as in general I think Australia is a fantastic country... part of who I am and who I want to be... my name is Jocelyn. It means the just one, and if this government policy doesn't smack of injustice, I don't know what does!

I have no more to say... bring on the next federal election! and if you agree with any of this join get up: and make a diference!

Home Sweet Home....

Give me a home among the gum trees.......

Ah, waxing lyrical about my home country, not to mention my home city. It is so good to be back in Melbourne, and God has blessed me with beautiful autumnal weather, so I haven't even had to suffer the shock of moving from midwinter to midsummer... though, they are predicting it will be hot next week... hopefully I'll have found my shorts, by then!

I should be sleeping, but the jet-lag and excitement have put paid to that, so I thought I might as well blog... The sun is about to come up and I may try a few winks before the birds kick off (though I've just heard the first train of the morning rattle by...)

I was also naughtily chatting to my new and old europe based friends... they all seem to come online in the late afternoon (which is about midnight, my time....) the night-owl within me loves it, but I'll regret it this afternoon!!

I also had my first ever phone interview yesterday, and it must have gone well because I have a face to face next week! Its for a case management position at one of Australia's premier insurance agencies... it sounds like a great place to work, which is what I'm looking for after my not-so-good work environment of last year!!

Well, if you're in Melbourne, I look forward to having a drink with you soon.... and if you're somewhere else keep a lookout for me on skype (jocepix) or yahoo/msn... I'd love to chat to you online!!

Tschuss, Ciao & Bye for now,

Joce <><

PS The pic is actually my parents house in Germany... but home is where the heart is, ne?!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Happy New Year!

Firstly, an apology for ignoring you all!! I didn't mean to neglect my blog for so long....

Also, Happy Australia Day!!! (also late, sorry again!)

I feel more proud to be an Aussie outside of Australia.... Does that make sense??

and finally, Congrats to Augie March!! No 1 in the Hottest 100 (go you good thing!!)

PS The pic is Mum & me at Rhine Falls in Switzerland... more soon <><