Friday, October 24, 2008

Don't drink coffee...

After 8pm!!!!

So, I was out with friends this evening, and we had dinner at a cute little place on High St in Northcote and then went to a Chocolatier for our dessert.  I was going to eat chocolates, so I decided to have a coffee... BIG MISTAKE!  I don't normally drink coffee anyway, so who was I fooling!!  Luckily I don't have to be anywhere much tomorrow, so I can sleep in, though my housemates have a nasty habit of turning on the TV (next door to my room) early-ish in the morning.  I'm very anti watching telly in the morning, a good habit taught by my dear Mum (thanks Mum, inane morning TV chat shows are the worst, especially when you're still trying to sleep!!!)

Well, after that we went to our musical comedy gig at the NSC.  So love that venue, its my second visit in six days... Once again we skipped the support act.  It was a spoken word artist this time.  I wouldn't have minded catching it, but I was strongly outvoted, hence the coffee mistake!  Should have had a hot chocolate and the lemon tart!

Ahhhh well, we live and well, sometimes learn! ;)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Meme... well I was bored...

1. Where is your cell phone?  somewhere on my bed, I'm ignoring it!!
2. Where is your significant other? in my imagination 
3.Your hair color?  mid-dark brown/auburn
4.Your mother?  Everyone except her says we're alike ;)
5. Your father?  Mum thinks we're very alike! ;)  (I think they're both champs!)
6. Your favorite thing? currently? My bed!
7. Your dream last night? don't remember
8. Your dream/goal?  To live overseas, and be in full-time ministry

9. The room you're in? bedroom

10. Your hobby? writing & singing

11. Your fear?  of being forgotten
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?  Europe
13. Where were you last night?  Home (in Heidelberg)
14. What you're not?  boring
15. One of your wish-list items?  a new digital camera
16. Where you grew up?  Melbourne & Adelaide
17. The last thing you did?  drank a ginger/pine drink... now I need to do something else!
18. What are you wearing? jeans & a tee
19. Your TV?  I'm discovering the joys of VOD
20. Your pets?  we want chickens & a goat
21. Your computer?  Lifebook (well, that's the brand & it is a bit of a lifeline!)
22. Your mood?  mmm, I'll get back to you on that one
23. Missing someone? my parentals
24. Your car?  I'm still driving my first car around, she's a little blue hatchback and she's called             Betty - we've done a lot of miles together...
25. Something you're not wearing? a bra 
26. Favorite store? David Jones 
27. Your summer? can't wait!
28. Love someone? God 
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When is the last time you laughed?  most of this morning, I was  reading someone's blog!

31. Last time you cried? two nights ago, reading someone's blog!

If you're bored too, why not give it a try... I love quizzes, just can't help myself!


Random moments of Mirth... 

Have you ever overheard a snatch of converstation, seen something you didn't expect, or even done something yourself that produced unexpected (and mirthsome) results??

I was inspired by Hippomanic Jen's post on her Appromimately None blog (  Even just now I heard the news reader on ABC Classic rather loudly clearing his throat, I think he was expecting the grab to go on a few seconds more.  I love hearing news readers guff... or there was a truly embarrassing moment at his wedding reception.  My brother and his new wife were introduced into the room incorrectly (by his brother-in-law's surname) instead of our own, which admittedly is somewhat similar.  

Or for my own, and I never witnessed this, thank God.  When I was in grade 4 I was chosen to play Peter Pan in our school play.  The grade 5s and 6s weren't so keen on this idea, but I proved myself by learning the ENTIRE script, (and miming eveyone else's lines on stage!) Thankfully there doesn't seem to be evidence of that year's play on video.

Then there was the evening my Mum played my Dad... My friend and I had a tradition at the time of spending Saturday in the Adelaide Botanical Gardens, ostensibly to paint, but mainly just to wander around dreaming our adolescent dreams.  Well, Ali came home to our place for dinner and as we're eating Mum casually announces that we met two boys at the gardens that day and had arranged for them to pick us up and take us to Glenelg (Adelaide's version of St Kilda).  Well, Ali and I just looked at eachother and then at Mum, who must of winked or something to get us to play along.  Dad was a little unsure, but mum entoned that she trusted out judgement... ra, ra, ra... anyway, dinner ended and we all went on our separate ways... Dad to the throne room and Mum outside to water the garden... So, Mum sneaks around to the front door and rings the bell.  I have NEVER seen my father get up from the bathroom so quickly before or since!  

There was another time Dad had us in stitches (sorry Dad, but I'm sure you can get me back with a few stories too...) He often would drop in at the Central Market to get something for our dinner, as it was just around the corner from his office.  Well, on this particular Friday evening he was so please with himself because he had scored a WHOLE watermelon, and it was quite big, for $1.  Mum replied quite cooly, "But Darling, where are the saussages for our dinner?"  Dad, of course, had completely forgotten about sausages, so I think we had pizza, oh, and watermelon!!!

What random moments of mirth have you enjoyed recently? Share them, so we can all have a laugh!!

Oh, and here is a little clip I've enjoyed on youtube recently... enjoy! :D

Monday, October 13, 2008

postcard fun...!

You've got to love the bloggosphere... I've just discovered a website devoted to sending postcards around the world ( It's called Postcrossing and if you're like me then you like nothing more than receiving REAL mail in the letterbox. So if you're interested then go take a look and sign up... I'm looking forward to adding some interesting postcards from around the world to my collection!

A new add for tourism

Lily's Aussie post reminded me of the new tourism add campaign... its an improvement on the last one, I think... What do you think?

I love meeting new bloggers... and I'm competetive, so watch out!

I've really enjoyed getting to know some fellow Aussie bloggers via Where The Blog Are You? ( So if you are reading this and would like to join in the fun, I suggest you go visit Blogging Aussie... and much thanks must go to Lou for starting this great little venture and putting all the time and effort into maintaining it.

Every week WTBAY also runs a competition ( This week the prize will assist the winner to gain some R&R, but they can't win it for free.... No, the more you read (and even more importantly, comment) on the daily featured blogger, the more chances you have to win... so go read and get commenting people. I can be very competetive and have more time than usual on my hands at the moment....

Tschuss till next time...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Musing ;)

I've had quite a bit of spare time the last few days, which has left me with plenty of space for musing... thought I'd post a recent poem for you, you can read it while listening to this fave track of mine from Muse... just to keep with the theme ;)

Untitled #1

Tonight I am long
I am long and I’m longing
My toes reach the end of my bed

Tonight I am thoughts
I am thoughts and I’m thinking
The ideas come from my head

Tonight I’m awake
I’m awake and I am waking
And the dawn is ahead

Tonight I am words
I am words and I’m sentences
And all the things I’ve never said

Tonight I am lost
I am lost and I’m losing
And almost ready to be led

Tonight I am love
I am love and I’m loving
And the blood in my veins is red

Tonight I am here
I am here and I’m hearing
But I’d rather be asleep instead

Tonight I am a leaf
I’m a leaf and I am leaving
To you I’ll be as one dead
JMR 27.8.08

I know! (I can hear you *sigh*) I just can't help myself, can I, & am feeling so clever now I've worked out how to embed speccie content. Tis reassuring that I'm not a total luddite!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Back on the treadmill....

Well, here I go again! My new job didn't quite work out as planned so I'm back to the job adds and applications. Not my fault, but there just weren't sufficient enrolments to continue. I won't miss the drive out to Cranbourne, but I will miss my students and the work, I was really getting into the swing of it... ah, well... I'll still have a shift or two a week, and am sure something else will show up soon. At least I earn't myself enough to keep me comfortable for a while.... Its just a little disheartening and is making it difficult to get going on this gloomy Monday morning. I suppose its all right to allow myself one lie-in.... Still, there are things I can do...

Oh and if you're a girl and you'd like to do something to help cancer, I know we all have friends & or family that have had their lives impacted by this disease that doesn't discriminate... then check this out... and let me know if you decide to go ahead with it as I have some great ideas that could help you along and raise extra cash....

I hope you enjoy this first proper week of October... I'm aiming to!