Saturday, March 24, 2007

Just a thought....

The traditional church celebrates Lent at this time of year. It is 40 days (excluding Sundays, for some reason) from Ash Wednesday (mid Feb) until Easter (Good Friday). This sunday is Palm Sunday, when we remember Jesus entering the gates of Jerusalem. Riding on the colt of a donkey, but receiving a welcome fit for a king.
In my church we've been focussing on prayer... each sunday we've looked at a further sentence of the Lord's Prayer. I'll reprint it for those not familiar...
Our Father in Heaven
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
For the kingdom the power and the glory are yours
Now and forever amen.
(that's the prayer book version, for the original see Matt 6, or click on the link below.)
We also have a lenten study guide of daily psalms and prayer points.
I've found it really helpful. It is always good to be reminded of our creator and I have especially been focussing on the Great Commandment. It is simpler and more challenging than we realise... just as it is to hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. This world has never been easy, but it is so difficult to not be "me" person in our generation.
Please join me in praying that this easter many will see Christ for who he is...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Treading the boards.....

My church in Melbourne - St Jude's Carlton, puts on a musical every couple of years. I missed it the last time as it was put on 4 years ago, and I've only been a member 3 years! But, I came home from O/S just in time to audition and I'm playing Mary (that is Martha & Lazarus' sister). If you're in Melbourne I reakon you should come and see me be the 19 year old I never quite was... like, I'm trying to be a cool and groovy... and I get to sing as well as act. The Musical was written by talented members of our church too... plus, if you're the kind of person who skips church in favour of the comedy festival, then you can come in the first week of Easter to make up for not coming Good Friday or Easter Sunday!!! he, he, just jokes, but you might get to meet a Jesus you never knew.... Below is the blurb our publicity person wrote... Only 4 rehersals to go... don't worry we'll be great!! ;)

One Man Dies St Jude's Carlton presents 'One Man Dies', an Easter musical (based onthe international bestseller 'The Bible'). Come and see the events ofthe first Easter in a quality musical production. Whether you've heard the story thousands of times or you've never heard it before,you want to know more or you just like theatre productions, thismusical is for you and your friends. Invite your friends, and booknow!

Where: St Jude's Anglican church, Palmerston St, Carlton

When: April 2-6, 7:30pm

How much:Preview night April 2, all tickets $10 (check it out and invite yourfriends later in the week)Gala opening April 3, tickets $20 / 15 / 7 (black tie; refreshments provided) April 4-6, tickets $17 / 12 / 7Ticket bookings: Phone 0404 232 844, book at a Sunday service, or buy at the door

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Want to see me lose my curly locks??

I have decided that I will try and post every Sunday - a new habit! But I have to admit to being up to my old tricks (not getting enough sleep). I had an unfortunate all nighter last night, but have put a curfew on Sunday nights - 10pm LIGHTS OUT _ non-negotiable!!!

Do you think I'll be able to stick to it? Only time will tell... but to commemorate my new habits and also to confirm my goals for this year... Save & Serve with love & enjoyment. I have decided to shave my head - and not just for me, but to raise funds for the Leukemia foundation!

You can sponsor me by visiting my page on their website - link attached to this post...

The photo above is my most recent one. My dad took it, guess where...?

Lots of love to you all and hope you are having a blessed and happy Sunday.

Tschuss, Ciao & Bye for now,

Joce <><