Saturday, June 09, 2007

For my Parents part 2

What would we do without parents?

I had a lovely chat to both my Mum & Dad this afternoon. They even appologised for being unable to call me on my actual birthday (I told them not to worry, I won't be at home to take their call anyway!)

Thanks Mum for all the newsy stuff, and the words of encouragement. Especially for retelling me the little anecdote you shared with Eliane on Wednesday. It nearly made me cry 'cause your words were just like a great big hug!!

Thanks Dad for reminding me to keep the priorites in check... you know how excited I can get when new things are happening... and I thought your Life on The Edge talk was great!! I'm going to put it on my MP3 so I can listen to it again next week on my way to work. May I suggest you download J Piper's talk on Missions (To Die is Gain) from his website? We listened to it at camp last weekend and it was great.

Oh, and I hope you both really enjoy SEED conference this weekend. I don't expect you to brag about me all day on Sunday (but a little bit is ok too!!) ;)

Love you both lots & lots... BIG VIRTUAL HUGS OOOO

Joce <><
PS and yes I know the picture is Christmas, but its just me pretending that Saturday night would be a roast lunch made by Mum, with pavlova/cake for dessert, instead of dinner at a not too fancy restaurant with my bro's, sisters and Cheryl... not that they aren't special too, cause they are... just not my Mum & Dad!
PPS Had a nice pav for dinner tonight Mum (but yours are still the best!)


Gaynor said...

Oh, so beautiful darling. Maybe it's just because it's your birthday, but my heart has been in tune with your heart and I can only say how much I love you just the way you are - my special Joce.
Your Mum xo xo xo xo

Pat said...

Happy Birthday to you!
May the Lord shower you with more blessing than your heart can contain!!
What a beautiful family you have - their gift of love is far greater then any present someone could buy.