Monday, May 24, 2010

What'll I do?

You probably already know that I'm between jobs at the moment.  It's nothing new for me, but every time is equally frustrating.  My motivation wavers as I get bored and then blue.  My cashflow ceases making it more difficult to socialise (let alone pay the bills!)

So I've been thinking... what to do...?

My ideal job...? Writer!  Wish I had room for this:

Or maybe I could be creative making stuff:

I'd love to do a hat-making workshop... but I can't afford it!

I'd work in a cafe... but I don't have any experience!

So it looks like I'll fall back on the old faithful:

Cleaning!  At least the rates have gone up a bit...........................

If only I could just....

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ready for juicing...?!

I'm so excited!

Only one more sleep and The Emerging Writers Festival begins here in Melbourne.  The first week is peppered with activities in and around the city - forums, workshops, book lauches, etc... Then the piece-de-resistance... The Town Hall Program!  Two full days to soak up all things writing, and the best bit... the cost is kept low to accomodate poor emerging writers (like me!).

Another plus will be that I'll have a friend this year, not that I won't make a couple along the way like last year, but this year I have my good friend Cheryl joining me from Adelaide.  Us two have long held a common interest in arty, scholarly kind-of-things.  I'll be joining her in Adelaide next month for more festivals (of a more frivolous nature!  I shall reveal more in time...)

Ready for juicing means that I'm ready to get my creative juices flowing.  I've already started to put a bit of a business plan together (to enact when I return from the continent in a few months time.)

I've got a really good feeling about this year.  I'm not going to let the flame dwindle to a pilot light, but keep the gas connected in a steady stream.  I hope to make enough connections that the motivation will keep on coming.

I just can't wait!!! tootles xo

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad

It's really quite hard to describe how I feel about my Dad today.  There's quite a lot of pain associated with the word at the moment.

Ever since I can remember we've enjoyed a special understanding.  I guess its because we think in a very similar way.  We're both dreamers, idealists, thinkers, creative.  We both love to sing (I remember trying so hard - in vain- to sing louder than my Dad as a kid!)  I think it was Dad that first showed me how to sing in harmony.

We both seem able to irritate Mum in the same way!

I also remember sitting on the back of his bicycle and cycling around Melbourne (fast)

I remember snuggling up to his snoozing form on the couch late at night... and quizing him on the program on telly.

My Dad is such a special man.  He's sure had his share of ups and downs over the years, especially in this decade, but he seems to face it all with optimism and determination.  Its a constant inspiration and reminder to keep on keeping on.  It reminds me of the lyrics from a favourite Christian artist, Michael Card:

From you I learned the kind of faith

That looks up to the mountains

From you I learned just what I'd like to be...

I hope you're having a great day Dad, you deserve to feel so special!

All my love, Joce xo xo

Friday, May 14, 2010

...Baby it's cold outside!

Well our delayed-Autumn has hit it's stride this week with a wintry kind of bite to the air and cloudy, soggy short days.  It puts me in mind of a few tunes... (nothing new there)

Autumn Leaves is one of my favourites and among my standards, I'll sing it at any opportunity, but it is pictorial present at the moment.  Especially as I took a little trip up to the hills last Sunday.

My mood seems to have gone the way of the weather.  Too many unaswered job applications, and not enough to keep me busy.  I have a plan... but not the funds to put it into action - grrr... the frustrations!  Maybe I'll buy a lottery ticket this weekend... nah, still, what I couldn't do with a cool couple of mill.... dreams!

Now it's Friday, and as I listened the an inspiring "conversation hour" on the radio another of my favourite Jazz standards punctured the conversation between guests... Baby It's Cold Outside... so cheeky!

I'm feeling a little more chipper as the week ends and the weekend approaches... mmmn, questionable sentence structure there... sorry, but you get what I mean, I'm sure.  It's shaping up to be another fairly busy one with catch-ups, parties and churchy activities.  I also had a lovely evening with friends last night, always helps. 

So, rug up, don't forget the umbrella and enjoy your weekend (If you're North of the Equator, perhaps a hat is more de-riguer!)

I'll post some pics next week, promise!

Monday, May 10, 2010

All This Time

I had a really full-on weekend, lots of fun, but was exhausted today and didn't get a whole lot done... I helped a friend to celebrate her birthday on Friday night, we're both massive karaoke fans so I'm afraid we rather hogged the mic!  I over indulged, so spent a lot of Saturday feeling a little poorly, but recovered enough to sing a lot more karaoke (without the need for sharing!)

I met a lot of my friends church pals on Friday night.  They were all talking about the launch of a new service at a central Melbourne cinema, so I decided to go along an check it out.  It was a very encouraging time and I made at least 5 new friends in the process... They're called City on a Hill (after Jesus quote from his Sermon on the Mount) and they have a cool ministry to the city's homeless called Many Rooms.  I'm thinking of getting involved in that too.  It's right up my alley really.

All these thoughts of serving are inflamed by a favourite album of mine that I was also listening to yesterday.  Although its not Wednesday I thought I'd share my current favourite track off the album with you.  It's called All This Time... hence the title of my post today.

All This Time

I'm a father and a son; I've been a lover with just one,
But this world can get me all undone,
And I'm frightened I'm the only one.
I wrestle with the thoughts I keep,
If I sow the seed of arrogance then it's loneliness I'll reap,
It's loneliness I'll reap.

Please don't leave me stranded here,
With a head of lies and a heart of fear.
My life's a show on Gods TV,
The world an audience, watching me.

So wake me, shake me, keep me sharp,
As I touch the power of Gods great harp.
And this world can fill your head with praise,
That steals me from eternal grace.
So how can I serve God and wealth?
I can captivate an army, but I can't control myself.
I can't control myself.

Ghostly figure out at sea, I hear a voice that's calling me,
To walk upon the waves of faith.
For in the arms of God, I am safe.

All this time, since the day that I was born,
I've never known a time like this,
I don't wanna let you down.

I will sing, sing for your light has come.

Written by Delirious? 2005 Curious? Music UK

This Album (Mission Bell) is a little dangerous really, it gets me all motivated to get out there and do something to demonstrate my faith.  I've been putting a lot of consideration lately into what I want to do with my life.  Like, do I want to study more, etc... I do feel like I'm leaving behind a period of exploration and finding out who I am and who I want to be, now it's really time to do something with all that.

Of course, I still need a job, to be able to support myself, but I'm also excited by the new directions that my faith is taking me.  I'll keep you posted!