Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Musing on tea...

I was thinking about tea as I sip my freshly brewed (loose leaf) Lady Grey. I had an argument with one of my students about whether black tea leaves are fermented or not. (I didn't think they were) so I looked tea up on Wikipedia. Well, we were kind of both right.... The process of oxidation is referred to as fermentation despite the fact that no true fermentation happens. Black tea is also called Red Tea in China due to its red colour when brewed. Though red tea nowdays tends to refer to the South African rooibos tea (which isn't really tea at all, but a tisane.) Tea is only tea when it contains leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant.

Anyway, my tea is finished now and my stomach is grumbling so I think I'll grab some dinner. I'm looking forward to sharing a pot of tea with my mum - only nine sleeps to go!!

1 comment:

Gaynor said...

Now a subject after my own heart! Great blog Jocelyn. I'm sure looking forward to a nicely brewed Twinings Earl Grey tea with you my darling daughter.
Lovingly, Mum xxxx