Monday, November 27, 2006

A Novel Idea

For anyone interested I have started posting my novel.

Apparently November is novel writing month, so I got a head start. I'm well past 50,000 words now, but I'll post it gradually.

Please let me know what you think. All reasonable suggestions will be taken into consideration - and you might score a mention in my shout outs...!!

The link should appear above, but just in case, here it is again:


Phili said...

I've really enjoyed reading what you've got so far.....what will happen next for Kate and little Jo?! Keep at it - I had no idea you were a writer in hiding!!

Joce said...

Thanks for the encouragement Phili, I'm actually in the midst of chapter 9, so there's plenty more. I'm just posting it gradually, so that there won't be a long wait for the next bit. I feel a bit like Charles Dickens with his serial novels... Doubt I'll ever be as famous though! ;)