Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Meme... well I was bored...

1. Where is your cell phone?  somewhere on my bed, I'm ignoring it!!
2. Where is your significant other? in my imagination 
3.Your hair color?  mid-dark brown/auburn
4.Your mother?  Everyone except her says we're alike ;)
5. Your father?  Mum thinks we're very alike! ;)  (I think they're both champs!)
6. Your favorite thing? currently? My bed!
7. Your dream last night? don't remember
8. Your dream/goal?  To live overseas, and be in full-time ministry

9. The room you're in? bedroom

10. Your hobby? writing & singing

11. Your fear?  of being forgotten
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?  Europe
13. Where were you last night?  Home (in Heidelberg)
14. What you're not?  boring
15. One of your wish-list items?  a new digital camera
16. Where you grew up?  Melbourne & Adelaide
17. The last thing you did?  drank a ginger/pine drink... now I need to do something else!
18. What are you wearing? jeans & a tee
19. Your TV?  I'm discovering the joys of VOD
20. Your pets?  we want chickens & a goat
21. Your computer?  Lifebook (well, that's the brand & it is a bit of a lifeline!)
22. Your mood?  mmm, I'll get back to you on that one
23. Missing someone? my parentals
24. Your car?  I'm still driving my first car around, she's a little blue hatchback and she's called             Betty - we've done a lot of miles together...
25. Something you're not wearing? a bra 
26. Favorite store? David Jones 
27. Your summer? can't wait!
28. Love someone? God 
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When is the last time you laughed?  most of this morning, I was  reading someone's blog!

31. Last time you cried? two nights ago, reading someone's blog!

If you're bored too, why not give it a try... I love quizzes, just can't help myself!

1 comment:

Hippomanic Jen said...

Thanks for visiting my blog today, it was great to hear from you. It looks like we have some stuff in common, and I'm glad you were inspired to share some of your more mirthful moments. See you around.