Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Today was my first day as an Educator with Alzheimer's Australia.  Now I've nothing but admiration for the way they did our orientation today (there is another new Educator that has started with me), but there's something about orientation that is just so overwhelming.  My new workplace occupies 4 buildings on two sites in metropolitan Melbourne (they have country sites too apparently).  There are about 75 staff, of whom I think we were introduced to at least half, and hundreds of volunteers (there were only a couple of them around today, thank goodness!!)

We were taken on a comprehensive tour, and then shuffled about between various staff to be introduced to the various aspects of the organisation.  Now this is far superior to being stuck in a stuffy room all day listening to dull presentations (I've had too many orientation days like that) where the highlight of the day is fire and emergency training becaucause you get to use a fire extinguisher!

Still, it didn't prevent me feeling like I was suffering information overload by lunchtime!  It didn't help that I tossed and turned through a sweltering night last night (the temperature barely dipped below 30 degrees!).  Tonight promises better as the cool change has swept in.

Today felt good though, despite the information overload!  The staff seems lovely and helpful, and I just got a good vibe about the place.  Plus we have three more days of exclusive orientation and most of the rest of this month is orientation, really, as we look in and the assist with education sessions.  I think my first session as a facilitator is in early February.  I think it helps that the year hasn't really got into full swing as yet, and everyone is nice and relaxed after the Christmas break.  Many people only returned to work this week.

Well, I sure need my beauty sleep and my brain needs unwinding, so I'll sign off for today.  See you soon! Tschuss xo

Saturday, January 09, 2010


Next Tuesday I start a new job, in a new field and I'm both excited and a little nervous.  No bad thing I'm sure as it will give me the edge I need to put all my energy in the right place as I start and attempt to make a good impression!

I'm hoping that this will be a good year and it has begun well... though its only the second week of January, so there are another 11.5 months to go, and just as well.

Half-way through the year I turn 30, so not only is it a new decade as we go into the "teens" but I leave my topsy-turvey 20s behind too.  I didn't want to turn 30 last year, but on reflection I'll be glad to leave my 20s behind.  Just like the "roaring 20s" almost 100 years ago, mine seemed to be between two wars as well!  Life can be like that at times I guess, and I think I had a delayed adolescence as well.  I didn't have the chance to be rebelious and naughty in my teens, so keep it all up for my 20s.  At least I can say I've learned a lot... let's just hope I remember my lessons!!

Well, I just wanted to check in, 'cause I know I've been too quiet for a long while and you'll all have given up on me!  I'll make no committment to blog more regularly, though I will try.  For the next few weeks at least I'll be pouring myself wholeheartedly into my new job.  I'm to be an Educator with Alzheimers Australia.  It should be interesting if nothing else!

I hope that you enjoyed the festive season too... I spent lovely times with friends and family and tasting new experiences...  How about you? 

Ciao for now, see you again soon....