Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I'm not a bit fan of waiting... but I've no choice at present.  I'm waiting to hear from WA for a phone interview and waiting to hear back about another opportunity as well.

I'm off to find a medieval costume for a wedding I'm going to on Friday.  Not sure about themed weddings, but I'm sure it will be fun.

I've also applied to a local TAFE to study Millinery next year.  Its a part-time night course so I'll be able to keep working, that is, if I have a job!  Sometimes I despair of finding the right kind of opportunity, haven't had a real good year, this year.

Not much else to report.  I'm enjoying being an Aunty to my two adorable nephews.  I really admire my sister, she seems to be taking it all in her stride.  They're growing and developing rapidly, I can just see them crawling all over the place and driving Mum crazy in no time at all!

Must away, I've a few errands to run before the sun sets... ciao for now!

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