Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Song of the week - On the Borderline

This week I turn to a new song... not sure I'll be able to get the lyrics so I'll just share the chorus that I like singing to myself.  Would make a good alarm clock song!  The song is by an Australian Independent Artist, Sally Seltmann, she used to be known as New Buffalo.

Get yourself up, get yourself up,
Get yourself out of it
This is a new day; this is a new day,
This is a new day today
Snapping your fingers, tapping your toes,
You were humming a tune
You know, you know
This is a new day; this is a new day,
This is a new day today

I like the upbeat tune and lyrics and it gets into my head, a pre-requisite for "song of the week" I guess.

I'm not fully enamoured with the current trend of female singers, they seem to share a breathy style that's not really my thing, but works here.  Sounds to me like a break-up song (a favourite category of mine!)  Not that I've had all that many break-ups, but they sure make for a good tune.  A lot of my favourite songs would fit into this category, and as I reflect I think the guys generally moan about their loss, while gals tend for a more optimistic note of moving on... I'm sure that's a grose generalisation, so feel free to prove me wrong!

I too feel a bit like I'm on a borderline... looking ahead to new horizons, not at all sure what is ahead.  There are many changes coming my way, some I look forward to, others, well... change and I have always had a fractious kind of relationship.

Today I'm putting a positive spin on things... getting myself up and remembering that it is a new day today.  How about you...?

Tschuss till next time xoxo

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Down time...

Feeling a bit deflated as I begin this week.  I had a great time emerged in costumes for my friend's production of Midsummer Night's Dream for Melbourne's Comedy Festival.  It came on the back of Easter and time with family and friends.  It was all busy and a very new experience for me, so was all consuming.

I also had the opportunity to make some new friends, and you all know how much I enjoy that!  To hang out with like-minded people for a whole week was just bliss.  It reminds me how much of a difference common interests make to a friendship.

I have a few "hard" things to get through this week, so no doubt that's contributing to my cloudy mood.  I'll perk up though, never fear.  Melbourne's experiencing some lovely unseasonably warm weather too, so I'll ensure I make the best of it.

I'll try and find some pics of the production to share with you all, it sure was a hoot!

Ciao for now xo xo

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

All I Need...

I thought I'd resume my song of the week posts.  I've been thinking a bit lately about what I need (sometimes vs what I want!!) not always mutually exclusive...

Here's the lyrics from Air (a French duo)

All I need is a little time,
To get behind this sun and cast my weight,
All I need is a peace of this mind,
Then I can celebrate.

All in all there's something to give,
All in all there's something to do,
All in all there's something to live,
With you ...

All I need is a little sign,
To get behind this sun and cast this weight of mine,
All I need is the place to find,
And there I'll celebrate.

All in all there's something to give,
All in all there's something to do,
All in all there's something to live,
With you ...

The song is set to a really cute video clip of a young woman waxing lyrical about her boyfriend, I'm sure you'll find it on Youtube...

Now, I'm not saying that I need a man in my life.... I'd sure like one, but that's not the same thing.  In all my years of singleness I feel most happy at the moment.  I'm glad to be putting my tumultuous 20s behind me this year, keen to explore new options for work and things over my next decade.

I could really do with a job at present... Not quite sure what it is about me and work, perhaps a lack of ambition...?

Really all I need is a safe place to rest my head, friends and family to share a little love, and something to do each day that gives me a little joy and meaning.

This week I'm keeping very busy helping a friend out with her production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.  I've a to-do list as long as my arm to complete when the sun comes up so its time for the head to hit the pillow.  I was housesitting for two weeks and now enjoying being back in my own bed.

I'm so thankful to live in a free and democratic country, in a time when I can be on equal footing with my male counterparts, to be able to express and share my faith freely, to sing in the street if I want!  I'm so thankful to live in city that doesn't just tolerate diference but celebrates it.   To live among a people that don't take themselves too seriously and know how to build a bit of fun into their lives (It's Comedy Festival season at present!)

What do you need?

What are you thankful for?

till next time... xo xo