This is the space where you can explore all things Joce aka pixie... and if you're in Melbourne, see you soon!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
For My Parents
Monday, May 14, 2007
For My Mum
I couldn't give my Mum a big hug and kiss,
Or speak to her and tell her,
or make her breakfast in bed,
or pick flowers for her table,
I wasn't orgainised enough to send her a gift, or even a real card!!
So I have to post a little tribute to her on my blog, in the hope that this will remind her that I thought of and prayed and hoped that she was reminded of how special she is.
I love you Mum, I hope you have a lovely day today, and that it makes a great to start to what will be a very special week... (more on that later!)
xo xo With lots of love (and virtual hugs & kisses) from your daughter, Jocelyn ox ox
Friday, May 11, 2007
PTL & progress report...
Friday, May 04, 2007
Help (part two):
This has been bothering me quite a lot (as you who like words would no doubt understand), but I realised that not all of it is completely lost...
You see, I'm not a completely humble sort, and have been know to display my wordsmithing talents. I've even used them as inexpensive, but meaningful gifts for friends or family, or even to perform for special events or public adulation!! ;)
If I have ever given you a copy of one of my poems, or stories, or if you know of one that I gave to someone else, can you please let me know?
I would like to collect them up again, you see... I feel a bit lost without my words....
My first thought is - Help Lord, I need a little bit more....
My second is... well you've given me two hands, what else can I do?
So, if you have a job you think I can help you with, and especially if you're willing to share a few of your resources with me... I'd be much appreciative.
Here's a few suggestions:
- domestic jobs - cleaning, gardening, handwashing car with grey water, baby sitting (I'm experienced in all these jobs, like to do them, and have a good rate going, plus I tithe, but I don't charge GST, and I'm not insured!)
- pet walking (aa, and I like exercise)
- the other thing has been paid surveys, but there's strict rules about how often you can do them :(
- I have my own car and can travel around greater Melbourne (from an Eastern base, but not too great, petrol aint cheap these days!)
- And sorry all you non-Melbourne, Aussie folks, flying is environmentally unfriendly (and expensive)
So, what do you think? All my contact details are on Facebook, or you might know them.... Give me a call if you have a job for me to do.
Thanks in advance <><
PS looks like a need to move house in a few weeks, so your prayers for that are also appreciated... and I need a job!PS I've also added the next bit of chapter 8
Preparing to Rock...!!
- An Aussie?
- A gal?
- Popstars are also allowed...
- Someone not too obvious...
- but also not too difficult to pull off
- I can't change my hair as I need a new job...
- however cosmetics are allowed
I would prefer to be someone I can impersonate at the mike too... Have to decide tomorrow... any suggestions?