Thursday, January 17, 2008

Magic under the stars!

This is an excerpt from the Australia Post/Opera Australia free concert of The Pearl Fishes last December. The quality isn't great, but you get the idea. This duet was my Nan's favourite and I always think of her when I hear it.



Gaynor said...

Oh, this one brought tears to my eyes. Dear Mum. Fancy you remembering darling. It's not as if you would have appreciated the music, or did you?
Do you realise it is 10 years since Nan passed away. My goodness, where has the time gone.

Love you, Your Mum xo xo xo xo

Joce said...

I didn't realise that actually, wow. The years do fly by. Of course I appreciated the music, it transports you do another world! Love you too
xo xo xo xo