Thursday, January 17, 2008

Why thin people have a higher mortality rate!

According to my psychologist thin people participate in more active pursuits and therefore have a higher mortality rate!!

Justin and I were enjoying a leisurely bike ride on Saturday when I came a cropper as I approaced a bride in Richmond. Ouch! I took a few pics of my injuries on Saturday evening. They're healing nicely now. The pic is of my elbow, the hip is censored, but if you want to see it I can e-mail you! The elbow is the worst of the two though!

I'm not deterred. As soon as I can put my weight fully through my right elbow again, I'll be back out there.

The weather has been great for outdoor activities. Fine and warm. I love an Aussie Summer.

We have a long weekend next week to comemmorate Australia Day.

Hope you all enjoyed the holidays and have a great 2008!


Gaynor said...

Ouch, this looks far too painful. You poor darling. Hope it is healing okay. Not good to fall off your bike. I think you take more risks than me. I don't even contemplate falling off my bike - EVER!! Yeh, okay....I am A LOT older than you!

Joce said...

Its healing well, and I wasn't risking anything. It was a problem with the bike.

Gaynor said...

Glad it's healing well. Nasty, nasty, nasty! Have you still got the bike? Is it fixed? I know how much you love riding. Hope you can enjoy a bit more riding in the sunshine when it cools down! I will be on the bike again soon I am sure. We are having beautiful weather.
LOVE YOU xxxxx