Thursday, June 10, 2010

That special feeling....

I really adore feeling special!  Of course one shouldn't feel too special every day or we'd certainly explode with our own importance, but I've grown and sometimes even thrived on the earth for 30 years today so I'm experiencing a certain sense of achievement.

My 20s were difficult to put it midly... lived up to that curse of "may you live in interesting times".  However, I think I've learn't a lot about myself and the world and feel better equipped to face whatever it (the world, that is) decides to throw at me next.

The next few years will certainly bring their share of challenges and pain, but I feel surrounded and supported by such a splending array of friends and family. 

This is why I feel particularly special:
Psalm 66 (beginning the day with praise)
Breakfast in bed (pancakes c/o my lovely housemate)
Birthday Cards (and newsy letters... thanks Aunty Irene!)
Facebook messages
Phone calls & text messages

Tonight I'm gathering with my sibling for a "retro" birthday dinner.  My sister is making my old favourite birthday recipe... been years since I've tasted it, so if its nothing like the original we'll be none the wiser!

I feel so blessed and that's the way it should be.
Biggest thanks to my Lord and Heavenly Father... for making me me and surounding me with other special people.  Life is indeed beautiful (even on a gloomy winter's day in Melbourne!) xo