Commitment that is.... Just thinking about it a lot, mainly as regarding my faith... and also my failure so far to live up to my New Year's resolution to "get 'round to it"... so I'm recommiting to that as well!
The reason the big C is on my mind is that my little church has been celebrating Commitment Month this February... but as C-month ends... Lent begins and I have another 4 weeks to think about commitment.
If you've never heard of Lent before it's the 40 days (excluding Sundays) preceeding Easter Sunday. It begins on Ash Wednesday... (which I'm fairly certain was called that before 1983, when Victoria's last worst bushfires were)... but I'm not sure why its called "Ash" Wednesday... something to do with ashes most likely (and not the one's that the Australian and English Cricket teams compete for!!) [Boy, am I digressing... a bad habit of mine when I'm tired!!]
During Lent Christians are encouraged to fast and pray leading up to Easter... I don't think I'll be fasting from meals this year as I'm trying to put on weight... but will have to think of something else to fast from before Wednesday....
Tommow (well today actually) is Shrove Tuesday... well know for eating pancakes, though that is also a tradition whose origins are unknown to me....
The other "events" during Lent are all squished into the last "Holy Week", which begins on Palm Sunday (The Sunday preceeding Easter Sunday, when Jesus entered Jerusalem), continues to Maundy Thursday... the night Jesus was arrested, Good Friday... the day Jesus was crucified (also the day you are SUPPOSED to eat Hot Cross Buns!!)... and finally Easter Sunday... the day Jesus rose from the dead.....
Oooo.... so much to look forward to, I love this time of year, especially because it also ushers in Autumn and I'm SO looking forward to Autumn (and praying it will be a wet one!)
But back to commitment... what do you think I should fast from? and do you have any suggestions for prayer...?