My beloved little Betty is back on the road!! yippee... I was fearful she'd never get going again, but thanks to my lovely parents and Brett the Village mechanic we're rolling again. Where would we be without our parentals eh? I don't like to think about it too much!!! Am well known for tackling things that are too challenging and attempting to punch above my weight. They've always stuck by me, prayed for me and helped me out of more than one or two tight corners! I'm constantly thanking God for such an amazing pair. They're a constant inspiration!
(If you're unlucky enough NOT to have met my awesome parents, then check out my mum's blog, there's a link on the left, but beware, you will soon be enthralled and find yourself coming back again and again for her great stories.
Speaking of which I'm writing again. I found my beloved red notebook so am getting back to my first novel. If I can squeeze it in around my new commitments then I will do a proper edit of it too, with some accuracy checks, etc. I want to make the story more realistic, and hopefully a little more suspenseful! My lovely Godmother gave me a book on writing short stories too, so I'll no doubt be attempting more of those. I've been writing a lot of poetry too, comes of the cold days and even colder sleepless nights... more about that later!
I'm getting busier these days. I just started a certificate course in vocational education. It should open up some different and exciting opportunities for me, so watch this space. I'm about to start my second week and I really enjoy it... thinking of which, I have some homework to complete!!
So, what else has been preoccupying me so much lately I haven't found time to post? Well, for one, life was in the slow lane for a bit so there wasn't much to report and I was feeling thoroughly uninspired. But this month I've also been preoccupied with athletic guys in brightly coloured lycra... you guessed it, Le Tour de France! We get every stage live here in Aus, which mean it starts around 10.30pm and finishes after 1am! Its been messing with my head and sleeping patterns big time, but all will return to normal as the August chills roll over the hills!! (like that one, couldn't help myself!) ;)
Other than that not much else is happening. I'm helping out with Breakfast Club on Wednesdays at the Primary School, enjoying my small group and catching up with friends for mid-week lunches (and movies , if its cheap day!) The Annual Writer's Festival kicks off soon, so I hope to catch some of that for further inklings. As usual I shall report any thing of interest. Will try to post at least weekly for a while, so check back regular for all the scintillating tales of joce.... ciao for now! xo xo xo xo