Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Close Shave

The weather wasn't so good on Friday evening and I was tired and heading home from work. The car I was driving (a work car) had been playing up all afternoon, skidding when starting at traffic lights, etc, but that didn't prepare me for what happened next...

I had just turned from a side street into the main road and was picking up speed when the tyres span and skidded and I lost control of the vehicle. Thankfully I was alone, didn't hit any other cars and came to a stop after plowing through someone's fence and into a tree in their front yard.

I was able to drive the car safely around the corner and off the main street, which was wet and very busy. Then called the insurer and waited for a tow truck. Didn't have to wait long and the tow driver was kind and waited with me for my boyfriend to come and pick me up. I was pretty shaken but otherwise unharmed.

Below is a picture of the carnage that I took with my mobile phone. Thank goodness I had already dropped off the child I had been looking after that afternoon!