Thursday, September 07, 2006

Jumping through hoops!

That's what it feels like right about now - will I ever get to Japan??? If you're reading this please send up a prayer for me. It is so frustrating and if I'm not there by next Wednesday it will make the transition to my job really difficult as well! I've spent the ENTIRE DAY running around (literally) getting this visa application together and now they're telling me that I don't have enough money and I can't go until next Friday! Beuracracy - you can't live with it & you can't live without it!!!!


1 comment:

Gaynor said...

Where are you Jocelyn? We've been trying to contact you for days and have not a clue where you are. Fancy having to leave a message on your blog!!! We love you heaps,
Mum xoxoxoxoxox